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That morning I was starting to doubt my stupid plan. I had a bad feeling under the pit of my stomach. I had to get up and find a way to escape this devious plan. I got ready doing my usual morning routine when I heard the door in my open. Blake came through the door and stood there watching me intently as I was done brushing my hair.

I decided to wear the most unflattering beige dress with an ill fitting. It had a matching bow. The corset was too tight but it was a price to pay to get the least attention.

Blake continued to stare at me. He was watching me from head to toe and it started to irk me as I grew restless with his perverted stare.

" What ?" I spoke annoyed.

" Nothing just wanted to tell you to be careful" he said.

I huffed at his sentence and walked around the room gathering my small umbrella and cleaning up the mess I made. I could tell he was holding his tongue. But why? Did he think I was going to be reckless?

"I heard you the first time round!" I remarked. Why does he care what I do!

" If you want to have relations with my sick father after what I told you then go ahead. I will not be held accountable for your stupid idea" he rebuked.

I stood there gobsmacked. Is he serious! What a dumb fool. " don't you dare act all self righteous. You and him are both the same in my eyes! You warning me because of him will not stop me from going out with him. There isn't anything  you haven't done to me that he won't or will fool!" I shouted with passion.

For a second I swear I saw his eyes water. His face turned red with rage and I continued to egg him. I didn't care anymore, let him hit me , hurt me I was broken inside. But like the bitch I was I continued to antagonise him with remakes and insults.

" What?! Are you going to hit me!" I said trying to infuriate him further.

A sick part of me was enjoying the pain he was putting me through. But I didn't know why. It almost felt like a dream and I was going to wake up from it but no matter how much I pinched myself it felt too real.

This time he stood there angry, gobsmacked and a bit hurt I suspected. Without uttering another word he  walked straight out of the door.

" Well no one fucking told you to come in my room" I screamed after him.

When I heard the door slam shut I dropped all the clothes in my hand. I slumped to the foot as I tried to gather my breath. I was now terrified and it was Blake's fault. He didn't have to make me more nervous with his warnings.

A few moments later I got up and walked out the room ; the umbrella in my hand. I thought I would clean up later. I walked through the hallways towards the dining room. It was the idea of Blake's dad that we should have an early breakfasts and then have the 'whole' day to ourselves. I braved myself and went in the dining room. Instantly a wave of shivered went though my body. The hairs on my neck shot up and I started to sweat rigorously. I saw the stares of Blake and his dad. I smiled a fake smile and took my seat opposite his dad. I felt balked eyes burning into my skin but I ignored it and started filling my plate with food. I began to munch on my food as a way to prevent myself from talking to anyone at the table.

It was very awkward, something that was not common at the dinner table. Blake was a bit talkative and his mother was too. But only his dad was talking. He was talking to himself because no one was talking to him. His dad paused to look at me in a conceive way. Something felt wrong. As much as I hate to admit it I wish I listened to Blake. My stupid pride got the best of me and now I was to go on an 'outing' with his cruel dad. I was trying to hurt him but it looks as though I'm the one who's going to get hurt.

As I sipped my 'pressed orange juice' both of our eyes locked on to each other. Fuck! He was going to make conversation again. I turned away quickly but it was too late. Fuck sake!! I screamed in my head.

" So Brianna are you ready for our eventful day" he smirked.

I smiled politely , though that's not how I was feeling. " Um come to think of it I'm starting to feel a bit lightheaded. Maybe we should reschedule" I lied. Instantly his face dropped and a menacing expression built up on his face.

" Well we will reschedule it Brianna and I will make sure we have our day out if you are feeling under the weather" he rebuked.

" Um come to think of it , why doesn't Blake join us as he is my HUSBAND after all" I said stretching the word husband so it got into his thick pea sized brain. His wife sat beside him annoyed and embarrassed at how her husband could carelessly flirt with another woman in front of him. She got fed up and walked straight out of the room. A big part of me felt so sorry for her. Her husband was a rapist monster who killed many people. Her son was borderline crazy like her husband. I had to go through with this disgusting thing his dad had planned and hoped I could just run away.  I prayed that my future children were not under this roof. 

When I mentioned Blake joining us for the day his dad was not happy.  " My son will not be joining us so don't mention it again!" He said his voice laced with a threatening tone. I stupidly looked at Blake's face and obviously his reaction was not pleasant. His hands were scrunched on his knees as anger began to formulate through his body. Without realising I put my hand on top of his to help ease the tension. He was so wrapped up in his feelings that when my hand touched his it 'zapped' him back to reality.

He blinked a few times before looking at me weirdly. As if I had two heads. I faintly smiled at him and squeezed his hand. I suddenly felt that I had to protect him. Save him from what he'll that was about to be unleashed. I had to go through with this hand hope for the best.

" Your highness I feel so much better, I would love to go for that lovely outing! Oh look the weather is very lovely!" I said faking my enthusiasm.

He got up and I did too. I walked to his side; grabbing my little polka dot umbrella and linking his harms with mines. He strutted ahead as I followed right next to him. Weirdly enough something must of took over me because next thing I was looking back at Blake's direction as he sat the fuming and clearly hurt.

"Sorry" I mouthed as the large doors closed behind us.


His forced love(BWWM) (interracial)         (COMPLETE)Where stories live. Discover now