2 . agony

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Arthur bounces the basketball before he jumps and slams it in the hoop, wiping his forehead as he catches it. He's getting bored of the house; he's seen every corner of it, every room and every cool thing to do, in the last 4 days. But he hasn't bumped into his father yet, or his grandfather. All he's seen is Esme, Emmett and a glimpse of his... sister, or whoever she is.

His biggest fear is that his aunts, uncle and grandfather are avoiding him. He knows his father and stepmother are and he isn't too bothered about them, but he is bothered if the other 4 are. It would break him.

Carlisle pulls up at the front of the house and hears the ball bouncing, smiling a little when he hears the familiar sound; he and Arthur always played ball. He rolls his sleeves up and walks around the side of the garage, leaning on the wall with his arms folded as he watches the grown boy play.

The ball rolls his way and he catches it, giving it a few bounces which make Arthur look over tense. "You always did suck at catching the ball, son."

Arthur stares at his grandfather for a moment before he throws himself at him; Carlisle wraps his arms around the boy, smiling as he holds him close. He feels the rough scars along his back and frowns, but doesn't want to ruin the moment.

"I-i thought... I thought you were avoiding me." Arthur whispers as he exhales loudly; Carlisle can hear and feel his heart racing

"Never." Carlisle whispers as he pats the boys back. "I'm sorry I wasn't there on your release, I had work business to attend to."

"It's okay." Arthur smiles wide. "You're here now. Will you play with me?"

"I can't now but how about later?" Carlisle smiles as he heads towards the house.

Arthur nods eagerly. "Okay!" He calls and smiles to himself. He heads back in and to the garage to see if there's anything he can use to work out with; he flicks the light on and his jaw drops at the cars in there, and the big Harley Davidson.

His eyes fall on the yellow Porsche, a whisper leaving his lips. "I think I'll have you."

"Rethink that." A high pitched voice says before tiny arms are around his waist, someone's head resting on his back.

He smiles wide. "Alice!" He instantly turns around and she moves her head to his shoulder.

"Hey stranger. I missed you."

He exhales in relief and closes his eyes as he hugs her. "I missed you too. Thought you were avoiding me."

"Oh please, you're my favourite person alive." She laughs and strokes his hair back. "I can't believe you're all grown up."

He blushes. "Alice." He groans her name in embarrassment.

Alice gives a musical laugh as she leans on the yellow car, gazing at her nephew. "Has your dad spoke to you?"

Arthur frowns and shakes his head as he kicks his bare foot against a box. "Naa, of course he hasn't. I'm enemy number one remember? I'm worse than Aro."

Alice cringes at the name. "Mm. Let's not mention that name."

"Okay...?" He raise an eyebrow. "I'll fill you in later. Why don't you go have a shower and then I'll take you for lunch?"

"Yeah, ma won't let me leave." He laughs.

"Esme will. Trust me."

Oh yeah, trust the psychic with visions. He rolls his eyes and goes upstairs, putting a hoodie and jeans on with some boots. He sprays himself with deodorant, not having the energy to shower right now.

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