3 . innocence

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Emmett watches as Rosalie brushes her hair at her vanity. "You can't avoid him forever, baby."

She glances at him. "I'm not avoiding him-"

"Oh please. He knows you are, I know you are and it's upsetting him." Emmett crosses his arms over his chest.

Rosalie sighs and spins around on her stool, looking at her feet. "How can I face him? He trusted me and I threw it back at him. All he wanted was to talk to me and I broke his trust; maybe Josie would be alive and he wouldn't be so damaged if he hadn't have come to me. He begged me to help but selfish little me said 'No, let nature take its course'."

Emmett sighs and picks her up, throwing her over his shoulder. "Suck it up." He says, slapping her ass.

She groans and slaps his in return, feeling him walk down the stairs. As he reaches the living room he sets her down; she huffs and turns, looking at the couch. Her long ago frozen heart melts a the sight she sees. Renesmee and Arthur are asleep together, her hand on his knee and his arms gently around her. She hits Emmett repeatedly until he hands her the phone, and she instantly snaps a picture of them.

"He's so grown up." She whispers. "So peaceful." She adds.

"He's a moody ass too." Emmett says smirking.

Rose scowls. "Don't call him that."

"It's true." Bella says as she comes in. "He's Edward-moody."

Rose giggles small. "He always was... Esme said he's not been holding up great..?"

Bella shakes her head and tucks the sleeping pair up some more. "He hasn't... usually he has nightmares. I'm surprised he hasn't woke screaming yet." Her eyes examine Arthur's face, checking for any sign he might do just that; for once, he genuinely looks relaxed and peaceful.

"Wheres Edward gone?" Rosalie asks.

"Edward has gone back to Washington to find out the truth. Who did this, why Arthur confessed, why this all happened... he's gonna uncover whether or not Arthur did it, so we can then decide if he stays or not."

"Are you... are you serious?" Rosalie hisses in anger. "He's staying whether you want him to or not! Guilty, innocent - it doesn't matter!"

"It does to Edward." Bella says calmly. "He's not comfortable with Arthur around us if he's guilty."

Rosalie bites her cheek in anger. "He was here long before you... don't forget that bitch." She storms out.

Arthur heard every word of what his 'family' had to say. Is Bella serious? How two faced - being kind to his face and saying things like that. And his dad; wow, hearing someone else confirm what he thought sucks bad. I mean, he knew his father didn't trust him but to disown him if he doesn't like what he finds seems a bit extreme. Maybe if he spoke to Arthur like an adult he could hear the truth from the only person it matters from. But no. He can stay away, trying to uncover what happens, and Arthur hopes he stays away for a while. At least 100 days.

He hears everyone leave the room and slowly opens his eyes sighing. Renesmee is still asleep, cuddled into him leaving him unable to move - if he does he'll disturb her and feel guilty. So he just sits there, her warmth soothing, as his mind fills with the vibrant dreams she has.


Renesmee wakes a few hours later and rubs her eyes. Arthur smiles. "Hey kid... good sleep?"

She smiles and nods, looking up at her big brother. "I did. Did you?" She bites her lip, hoping she helped.

"I did. You have a very bright imagination hon."

Ness giggles and blushes. She looks over as Bella comes in, carrying a bag of chips and some candy. "You guys hungry after that? Esme says dinner won't be for a while but I got snacks." She smiles.

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