7. come one, come all

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"Cmon, you're so slow." Seth groans as he slows his jog again.

Arthur pants as he catches up, sweating like never before. "You - wolf - me - human." He pants, leaning on a tree as Seth stops, a smirk on his face.

"You Arthur, grr." Seth says patting his chest, imitating a cave man.

Arthur slaps him laughing, pushing off the tree. "Cmon, we're near the borderline, my parole officer will kick my ass later if she sees I got near it again."

"She sucks." Seth says as they begin to jog again.

"Yes she does, but if I don't do what she says then Jacob kicks my ass, maw, dad and Nessie will kick my ass and so will she. I dont want the hassle." He huffs.

Seth laughs. "Dude, you need to get some."

"Oh you think? You know a girl who's got a fancy for an ankle tag and ex con?"

"Yeah, my whole phone book."

Arthur rolls his eyes as Seth seems chuffed by his remark. It bugs Arthur that everyone assumes that he can just move on from the last few years - he can't ever do that. No girl will date him, no employer will hire him, if he ever has kids then they'll be known as trouble makers simply because he's their father. He doesn't want that. No one wants that.

They jog back in a silence that's neither comfortable or uncomfortable, Seth patting Arthur's back as he heads to where his pack gather on the front lawn as Arthur heads upstairs. He goes to the bathroom to shower and change, looking respectable as ma expects him to whenever the wicked witch of the west comes. Heaven forbid he acts natural and real.

As he makes his way downstairs he sees the pack setting up firewood well out by the trees, far enough from the house that he can't hear them with human ears; he watches for a moment before heading to the kitchen and raiding the fridge.

Esme scowls as she comes in. "Don't make a mess I just cleaned."

"Would I?" He grins with a mouthful of donut.

"You're so gross." She pulls a face.

He grins again as he takes another bite, Renesmee coming in. She smiles. "I want one!"

Arthur lifts her onto the counter and hands her a donut. "Eat up, kid. Better than that healthy shit Jake makes you."

"Language!" Ness and Esmee scold at the same time making Arthur laugh.

The doorbell rings and Esme goes to answer it as Arthur and Renesmee pulls faces at each other, both with a mouthful of food. Esme clears her throat as Ms Campbell comes around the corner with her.

Arthur finishes his mouthful and wipes his lips. "Hello, Ms Campbell."

"Arthur. And who's this?" She gives a curt nod to Renesmee. "I wasn't aware of any children living on this property."

"Renesmee doesn't live here she lives with dad and my step mom Bella on their own property." Arthur says.

Renesmee watches her and lays her hand on Arthur's cheek as she chews her donut; he holds in a laugh as he sees her thought of Campbell's head on chicken. She raises her eyebrow and Arthur clears his throat. "Excuse me, sorry. I just remembered part of the movie Ness and I watched the other day... Chicken Run."

Campbell scoffs. "Hmm. Well she can't stay for this."

Arthur rolls his eyes and lifts Ness down. "How about you got show Jacob your donut? I'll come play soon."

She nods and runs off as the adults head to the dining table, Edward coming in. "I'm so very sorry for being late - I'm Edward, Arthur's father."

He and Ms Campbell shake hands. "It's good to finally meet you. I was beginning to think you weren't real."

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