21. misadventures

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"Cmon, you're the one who wanted to do this trail!"

"Seth you're fucking superhuman!" Arthur groans, jumping over a log. He has deja vu over the times in the forest they did this.

Seth just laughs. "Have you called your dad recently?"

"God, don't go there." He groans. "Did he put you up to this? Coming away with me?"

"Maybe. Or maybe I wanted to get away from being 'fucking superhuman'." He smirks.

Arthur rolls his eyes. He couldnt stand to be in Forks after everything and he couldn't stand to be wrapped in cotton wool by his family. He needed to be out, to be free, after everything. He needed a fresh start. And so he packed a bag and left with the money he was compensated - and a Seth. He still doesn't know if his being here is out of his own free will or because he was made to in order to keep an eye on him.

"Did that girl call back?" Seth wonders as he slows to let his friend catch up.

"Nah, I never gave her my number. I will not be getting with anyone for anything other than sex for a longgg time." He mutters.

"You can't have that attitude forever. It's been almost a year." Seth says, watching as Arthur gets ahead of him.

He shrugs. "So? My point is I've been trapped in one way or another for too long. My family, Josie, prison, Holly. I just.. I need a break, man. I need a break from the constant calling and checking in. From the constant 'when will you be home' and 'why don't you call'. I need to be me, and I don't even know who that is."

"Well... That got depressing." Seth mutters.

They reach the top of the hiking trail and Arthur sits on the ground, pouring water over his face to cool off; Brazil is not the best place to hike in the middle of the day. Both guys look over as they hear voices.

"Awooo." Seth playfully howls in a low voice.

The smaller blonde girl looks up. "Oh mama." She mutters.

The brunette and Arthur both roll their eyes. "Hi." Blondie says to Seth, giggling a little.

"Hey." Seth smiles, blushing.

"Oh dude, what happened to you." Arthur scoffs with a laugh. "You wet wipe."

Seth shoves him as her friend laughs. "Hi. Sorry, we're kinda lost. Any ideas the way back?"

Arthur points in the direction they came. "Enter if you dare - not the nicest trail."

Brunette nods. "Thanks. Sadie, let's go-"

"Seth and I are gonna walk ahead." Sadie says, linking arms with seth as they both walk ahead.

Arthur and Sadie's friend both give the same look and scuttle to catch up as they go. Arthur looks at the other girl. "So you are?"

"Armed with pepper spray."

"Wow, charming." He rolls his eyes.

She rolls hers too and they keep walking, a few paces behind Seth and Sadie. "Hey, Luc? We're going for dinner with these kind gentlemen tonight." Sadie calls.

"No - no! It's football tonight!" Arthur yells.

"We were gonna check out that bar!" Luc protests.

Seth smirks. "Awh, why don't you bond with your disappointment then?"

Arthur glares. "You're walking home."

"It won't take me long, I'm not bothered." Seth shrugs.

"You can ride with us." Sadie giggles.

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