Detention, Dinner, and the Dormouse

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'that's not very polite.' I scolded the cheshire cat.
'we don't need to be polite! We don't owe no one nothing!' the dormouse squeaked.
'oh hush up everyone. We don't have time for this arguing.' the rabbit stressed. I continued to read my book, attempting to ignore the voices arguing in my head. It became hard, and the blue caterpillar finally spoke up.
'would you all be quiet. Alice is trying to read.' he scolded calmly. The voices all hushed themselves, though I could feel the irritation rolling in waves off of everyone. Ever since my detention had started, they had all been bickering.
'thank you, Mr. Caterpillar.' I thought.
"Miss Liddel." Mr. Mur's voice rang through the classroom. I looked up from my book and tilted my head.
"Yes, sir?" I asked politely. He eld his arms up and gestured around the room. I looked around and noticed all of the chairs were empty. My mouth formed an 'o' as I stood from my seat.
"My apologies, Mr. Mur." I said, gathering my things and walking out of the classroom.
Edward Cullen was waiting in the hallway for me. He smiled brightly when he saw me and grabbed my bag from me. Lingering students in the halls eyed us carefully. I held my book by my side as we walked out of the school.


I watched as Celia looked around parking lot. Her face was full of wonder, as if she had never seen anything like it. Her face was always full of wonder. Even my siblings couldn't deny that she was beautiful. She still had my jacket on over her blue dress, and I loved it on her.
I had waited nearly a hundred years to find my mate. I was the first one Carlisle turned, then shortly after that he met Esme, his wife. It was then that I realized the bond was something that not all vampires got to experience. Vampires often spent centuries searching for their mates, and here I was, with a human for a mate.
A special human, no doubt, but still human. Still fragile with a long life ahead of her.
"Mr. Cullen?" Her soft voice spoke, making me snap out of my thoughts.
"Please, Celia. It's Edward." I pleaded politely. I wanted to hear my name on her mouth.


"My apologies, Edward. I was only wondering, do Rosalie and Jasper have different last names because they are adopted?" I asked. I had been curious since I noticed that there were more intimate relationships between the siblings. Edward chuckled.
"Yes, we were all adopted by our father, Carlisle." He explained. I nodded, still curious about things.
"Why do you all have such odd eyes?" I asked again.
'curiosity killed the cat!' a shakey voice warned.
'oh hush, you march hare.' the Hatter scolded.
Edward chuckled again, holding the door of his Volvo open.
"My family and I have many odd things about us." He replied, not giving me room to question him as he shut the door and walked to his side.
'so very odd.' I thought, making my friends begin yelling things in my mind.
'hush! Hush right now!' I thought, overpowering their voices. They all quieted down, still mumbling insults to each other.
"Are you alright?" I heard Edward ask. I turned and smiled.

 I turned and smiled

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"Yes, of course." I replied.
"So, tell me about your family." Edward said, keeping his eyes on the road. I scrunched up my nose.
'oh great. Here we go.' the rabbit groaned.
"I have a mother, a father, and a sister." I said. Edward seemed to be expecting more, but there wasn't much more to say.
"They know you're having dinner with us?" He asked, looking at me momentarily as we pulled onto a dirt path.
"No." I replied. My family did not care where I went, nor with whom I went.
"Should you call them?" He asked again, more concerned this time.
'alice, tell him to shut up! It's not his business!' the dormouse shrieked. I rolled my eyes.

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