Awful, Alice, and Alright

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Carlisle sighed deeply, rubbing his face with a hand as the other hand laid limp by his side. He knew a problem with the wolves would rise eventually, and even if he tried to forget it, he knew they would find out that his son had turned Celia.
Carlisle knew what the right thing to do was, and he was always so moral. As a doctor, he took an oath to save lives and in Celia's and his family's eyes, he had done just that by breaking the treaty to turn her. However, the shifters weren't on the same page.
So there he stood, deep in the woods without his family's knowledge, standing across from a human Sam.
"I'd like to arrange a meeting, with your council." Carlisle spoke, friendliness plaguing his voice as stress plagued his features.
Sam even wondered how a vampire could look awful and tired. The alpha wolf's heart was guilt-ridden, knowing this was all about Celia. Celia, whom he had grown so fond of in just a day and then crushed her small, frozen heart.
"I'll carry your message to them." Sam stated, not giving Carlisle a chance to thank him before he phased and ran off.

Celia found herself back at that tree in Wonderland. She ran her fingers over the words.
It made sense, she supposed.
So she turned on her heel and backtracked toward where the Cullen home would be; at least in her reality.
She stepped lightly as she neared the house, exploring the possibility that the same family of vampires lived there and would hear her.
However, as she got into the driveway, Celia realized the house was dark and empty. Through the glass walls she saw white sheets over all of the furniture, and for a second she forgot where she was and the possibility that the Cullen family had run away from her, stunned her.
After testing the doors and seeing they were locked, she decided to make her way into Forks. She had no idea what she may have been getting herself into, but she ran toward the public anyway.
She stepped out of the treeline, a hoodie and sunglasses hiding what they could of her. A gasp escaped her lips at the sight before her.
They were everywhere.
The cat, the rabbit, the hare, the twins, the mouse, the caterpillar, the hatter.... Everyone of her worst nightmares, and they were all stopped and staring at her.
"Alice!" A voice boomed, and the multiple copies of each character began running at her.
A scream escaped Celia's lips as she fell over and cowered in a ball on the floor, hands prying her own from her face.
"Leave me alone! Leave me alone!" She screamed, knowing it would've torn her throat if she were human.
"Celia, Celia!" Esme cried, getting the attention from the scared vampire that she needed as she promised her she was okay.
Celia was shaken, to say the least. Esme had pulled Edward from school to sit with the girl, who stared at the wall for hours with a blank expression before finally speaking to him.
"They... they were everywhere. There were so many and they just, they were running at me..." She stuttered, trying to process what she had seen. Edward held a hand on her shoulder.
"We knew that this was going to be different, Ce. If there really are an infinite number of realities, well you're bound to end up in some messed up places, right?" Edward tried to comfort, and it worked a little, but Celia still wished she had a better way to know the bad places from the good ones.
"You're right," she whispered, looking up at him. His beauty never failed to silence her.
Then she was gone, limp in Edwards arms. He sat confused for a moment, wondering where she decided to go and why she hadn't invited him.
Celia had just kept her thoughts on the girl, Bella, and sure enough she showed up outside a small house in Twilight, in plain view as people began exiting the home in Forks. Edward and Bella stepped down the porch steps with confused faces, Edward moving Bella behind him and reading Celia's thoughts as he did. What he saw confused him, but Bella pushed in front of Edward and Celia watched the determination in the brunettes eyes ignite.
"You- you were there, with him," she insisted, stepping up to Celia.
In her blue jeans and sweater, Celia felt underdressed next to the two, who wore formal attire.
"Who are you?" Edward demanded, but before Celia could answer a man came out of the house from behind the teens.
"Everything alright out here?" The man asked, and Celia could smell the human on him. Just as the thought of his pumping heart and flowing blood entered the newborns mind, Edward let out a warning growl that only Bella and the other vampire could hear.
"Dad, this is my friend," Bella lied quickly, gesturing toward Celia.
"Celia." The blonde introduced, reaching her hand out to Bella's father.
"Charlie Swan," the man introduced, looking between the two vampires.
"Are you two related?" He asked, making Edward and Celia make short eye contact, and it was nothing like when she looked at her Edward.
"Yes," Celia answered before Edward could, "the Cullen's are family." She insisted, flashing a sparkling smile at the police chief, cheekiness evident even to herself. It was fun talking to people and interacting. She had been in hiding for so long, she wondered why she hadn't done this before.
"Well, we should get going, dad, since everything's alright," Bella hinted, making her dad light up with realization.
"Oh, right! Don't want dad around while you're going off to prom," the man raised his hands in fake surrender and, as he walked away, Celia envied that sliver of a relationship she had just witnessed between Bella and her father.
As soon as Charlie stepped back into the house, Edward stepped closer. He wasn't her Edward. He wasn't stepping closer for a hug or a kiss or to jump with her.
"Who are you?" He growled lowly.
"My name is Celia," she chuckled nervously, "I, well it's hard to explain, but I will. I promise, soon." She assured, a small smile toying with her features.
Her hair blew as she turned and began running into the woods, calling behind her toward the two.
"Enjoy the prom!"

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