Bed, Bold, and Beet

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"You just-- you-- what?" Sam's eyes were wide as he practically pleaded for a better explanation.
"They're coming to meet me, I don't think you'll have to worry. One of their biggest laws is not exposing themselves. Carlisle said they feed meticulously and won't hunt." She assured, but Sam wasn't feeling all that great about it.
"Celia, why are they coming for you? This must be bad." The blonde could see the genuine fear in Sam's eyes.
"Oh, don't worry, Sam." Celia waved passively, "Edward said that the same thing happened when the Volturi first discovered him and Alice. They like power." She explained. This only made Sam's eyes widen. Making Celia point out that she would never leave the Cullens.
"I know, I know," Sam sighed deeply.
"I just thought I should tell you," Celia shrugged, standing to go go back outside with the boys.

Celia walked into the Cullen home, already knowing her sister was there.
"Hey," she greeted the woman softly. Cathleen waved in response and followed her sister when the blonde gestured to.
Celia led Cathleen up to the room she shared with Edward; who was out with his siblings. Cathleen looked around a bit and furrowed her eyebrows.
"This is your room?" She asked, not seeing much that looked like something Celia would have interest in. It was mostly books and music, a day bed in the middle and 2 glass walls.
"Sort of," Celia hesitated. She wondered if she should admit her relationship with Edward, but couldn't exactly come out and say that they were mated vampires.
"Sort of?"
"I share it." She stated simply, making her sister raise an eyebrow.
"With Edward?" She asked accusingly, making Celia look into her blue eyes.
"Yes, with Edward. This was his room before I came along."
"No bed?" Cathleen noticed, looking around.
"No bed." Celia confirmed, not saying anything else as she stood facing the glass wall.
"They're still looking for you," Cathleen broke the silence. Celia tensed up slightly.
"I am sorry for them," she admitted softly, "but this is the way it has to be." She shrugged.
"Why? Why can't we just tell them that something happened to you and that's why you look like this now?" Celia sighed as her sisters voice raised slightly.
"I'm sorry, Cathy, it's just a bit more complicated than that," Celia said, thinking about the problems already being caused because her sister was close to finding out. The older girl sighed and ran a hand through her dirty blonde hair.
"I don't know what happened to you, but if you say the Cullens saved you, I believe you," Cathleen shrugged, "I have gotten to know you better these past couple weeks than I did your whole life." Celia would've cried at the confession, had she been able to.
"Thank you for understanding, Cathleen."
"So what's going on with you and Edward?" Cathleen immediately changed the subject, raising an eyebrow. Celia would have blushed if she could've.
"I'm not sure, to be honest." She shrugged. I mean, of course she knew that her and Edward were going to be together forever, but they hadn't labeled it and Celia wasn't about to be the one to do so. Cathleen sensed the awkwardness and looked around again. She couldn't help but scrunch her nose up.
"No bed at all?" Celia let out a soft chuckle. She missed sleep, even though when she was human she usually dreamt about Underland.
"No bed, at all." She shook her head. She grinned as she heard the Cullen children arrive.
"Well, then I'm assuming you and Edward aren't fucking." Cathleen gave a bold smirk. Celia's eyes widened and her smile dropped. If she had blood still pumping through her, she would've looked like an awkward beet. Instead, she just looked awkward as she heard Emmett snickering downstairs. She stared at Cathleen in silence. The older blonde chuckled.
"Don't be such a prude, Ce." She mumbled. A knock sounded on the door and Cathleen dropped the CD she had been holding.
"Oops," she mumbled, picking it up as Edward poked his head into the room.
"Am I interrupting something?" He asked, a smirk on his face as he already knew he wasn't. Both girls shook their heads awkwardly.
"Hey," Cathleen greeted Edward as he stepped all the way in. He nodded and greeted her back. Cathleen tapped her fingers against her leg, and Edward couldn't help but grin as he heard Cathleen struggling inside her head. She was having a debate on whether or not she should ask Edward something. Celia watched Edward's grinning face curiously. He wasn't trying not to laugh. Cathleen opened her mouth to speak, and Celia turned to her with an eyebrow raised.
"So, like, no bed?"

After Cathleen left, Celia found herself messing around on her laptop in her room. She sat on the floor, back against the glass wall. She hummed softly, a song she hadn't thought of in a long time.
I'm late, I'm late for
A very important date.
No time to say hello, good-bye,
I'm late, I'm late, I'm late.
She sighed, clicking out of the browser and typing in new words.
I'm late and when I wave,
I lose the time I save.
My fuzzy ears and whiskers
Took me too much time to shave.
She tapped her foot to the tune as hummed louder.
I run and then I hop, hop, hop,
I wish that I could fly.
There's danger if I dare to
Stop and here's a reason why:
I'm over-due, I'm in a rabbit stew.
Can't even say good-bye,
Hello, I'm late, I'm late, I'm late.
Despite the painful memories it rose, she couldn't help it.
"I like it," Jasper spoke from the door, starling the girl who had been so lost in her own thoughts, "I didn't peg you as the musical type."
"I'm not." Celia closed the laptop and stood up. "It's one of the only songs I know." She shrugged.
Jasper could feel the underlying pain and insecurity plaguing the young girls body.

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