Disappointment, Dead, and Date

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Celia was invited to stay for the bonfire by Harry Clearwater, which shocked everyone. She hesitated before looking to Sam. His eyes held sadness for the girl, but he covered it up as she looked to him and his lips twitched upward slightly, making Celia turn back to Mr. Clearwater and nod.
"Okay, I suppose," she agreed politely.
The councilmen left, but Sam didn't move from his spot in the corner.
"Celia, I--" he stopped short, unsure of what to say. Celia knew what he meant, though. She knew what he wanted to say, but couldn't. She knew that when he looked at her, he saw monster first, then innocent teenage girl. He wanted so badly to just see her as young and soft.
"It's okay, Sam," she whispered, trying to hide her disappointment that he couldn't bring himself to look at her.
She walked past him, leaving the room. She walked down a flight of stairs and cautiously turned a corner into the kitchen, where she heard female voices and smelled food. She missed food so dearly.
"Hello," Celia spoke hesitantly, making the women turn to her. Emily's shoulders dropped and her eyes widened at the sight of the vampire.
"Celia!" She exclaimed, stunned. She made her way to the vampire quickly and wrapped her arms around her.
The sound of Emily's heart rushed through Celia's ears as she held her breath and barely wrapped her arms around the human, afraid she would break her.
"Hi, Emily," she greeted softly as they pulled away. Emily turned to the other woman in the room.
"Celia, this is Sue Clearwater," Emily introduced. The older woman stepped forward cautiously. Celia could practically smell the fear on her, but she didn't need to because the woman's heart was racing.
"Hello, Mrs. Clearwater," Celia greeted, staying out to give the scared woman her space, "your husband was nice enough to invite me to stay." She said. Sue relaxed noticably.
"It's a pleasure to meet you, Celia," she smiled softly, still not stepping closer.
"Celia, Paul and Jared are outside with Jared's girlfriend," Emily said suggestively. Celia shrugged awkwardly.
"Yeah, I'm not sure--" she began, but was cut off by a strong voice in the doorway.
"Come on, kid." Sam insisted, making Celia drop her shoulders and raise her chin, bravely walking beside him to the fire.
Jared, Paul, and a young girl looked up at them. Jared and Paul both tensed, unsure of what they were supposed to do. Deep down, they both wanted to greet the vampire, but they also followed Sam's orders and protected the people around them from beings like her. Jared's arm wrapped around the girl tightly.
"Paul, Jared--" both boys looked to their alpha as he spoke, faces stoic, "--say hi to Celia. Make sure she's comfortable," he said, making Jared and Paul grin as he walked away. Paul was the first to jump up from his seat. Celia had flashbacks of breaking his nose. She looked down sheepishly, but gasped when she was pulled into a warm hug. She would've blushed if she wasn't dead. She was dead, though. She was dead and everyone around her had heartbeats.
"It's nice to see you, Ce. No hard feelings?" Paul said hopefully. Celia looked to Jared, who was standing beside Paul and smiling, and grinned herself.
"I missed you guys," she admitted.

Celia sat between Jared and Paul, Kim on Jared's other side. She watched the fire dance, licking at the wood and stones around it. She wondered what would happen if she stuck her hand in it. To be honest, she wasn't sure what it took to kill one of her own kind.
The four teens cracked jokes for hours, Sam and Emily eventually joining them. Celia felt almost like she believed, for a moment, but then she would hear the rush of Emily or Kim's blood and have to remind herself that she was not family to them.
"Perhaps I should be going," Celia eventually spoke, looking at the moon.
"Awe, little Celia getting tired?" Jared joked, before it grew quiet. It seemingly dawned on everyone else that Celia wasn't family, too.
"Not quite," Celia mumbled awkwardly in the silence.
"I can take you to the treaty line, if you'd like," Sam offered. Celia could still see it in his eyes, the sadness and concern. She agreed quietly and said her goodbyes to the wolves and humans.
She listened to Sam's feet crunching loudly on the ground. She practically floated silently beside him. She wasn't sure if she should say something; perhaps tell him she understood why he was so cautious about her before. However, any time she thought about what Sam had done, freezing her out, she just grew sad and angry.
"Celia, I had no idea," he eventually whispered. He had no idea that Celia had lived ten years past what everyone else has. He had spent a couple days doing who knows what, while she was suffering for a decade. It must've been traumatizing.
"I didn't expect you to know," she answered, "I didn't expect to talk about it ever again, actually." She admitted. All Sam could think as he looked at her was that she was stronger than he would ever be. Not just physically, either.
"You're welcome on our land freely, the Council made that clear tonight." Sam told her. She looked up at him, smiling proudly.
"It's amazing what can happen when you don't judge the book by it's cover," she spoke, and he knew she was reprimanding him.
"You're right," he agreed as they approached the treaty line.
"I know," Celia replied softly, looking around at the forest with wonder.

Celia walked through the door of the Cullen home, laughing at the immediate groans and complaints.
"Shut up, I'm going!" She laughed, making her way to the bathroom to shower. She liked laughing. She liked being comfortable and happy in her home with her family.
After her shower, she went to greet her favorite person in the reality. Edward grinned at her and pulled her into a hug. They stayed like that for longer than any human would, and once they pulled away Edward brushed wet hair out of her face.
"I want to take you out," Edward mumbled, catching Celia off guard, "like on a date."

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