Emmett, Effort, and Envy

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Celia closed her eyes, taking a deep and unnecessary breath before knocking on the door quietly. In an instant, the door swung open and Emmett and Rosalie looked down at the shorter girl.
"Hey," Rose greeted, opening the door a bit wider and inviting Celia inside. However, she simply shoo her head.
"Um, actually," Celia twiddled her thumbs, "I was wondering if I could steal Emmett." She admitted shyly, making Emmett grin.
A Cheshire grin, definitely.
Rose and Emmett both assumed that Celia had thought about Emmett's offer from the day before, and they were correct.
"Finally going to let someone else have a try, huh?" He grinned, stepping out of his and Rosalie's room. Celia hesitated, before nodding with a sheepish smile. Emmett whipped his head to Rosalie like a child. His wife simply let out a laugh and waved him away.
"Go have fun," he grinned down at Celia, who smirked back at him.
"Oh, we will."

"Okay what do I do?" Emmett asked, clapping his hands together. Celia giggled and rolled her eyes, walking toward him.
"Literally nothing," she laughed. The two stood in the driveway. She had told Edward about the plan to take Emmett somewhere, and her mate had laughed and said "good luck."
Celia placed a hand on Emmett's arm and, with a bit of effort and anxiety, their bodies fell to the ground in front of Edward.

Celia and Emmett stood in the driveway of the Cullen home. She had brought Emmett to the only safe place she had traveled to. Twilight.
The chatter from inside the house stopped as the vampires heard footsteps crunching on the gravel.
They all piled out of the house, and she searched for Edward and Bella, which wasn't hard. The other Cullen's assumed defensive positions, but Edward called out to them, his eyes on my Emmett.
"This is her," he said, stepping down from the porch with Bella in tow.
Celia waved shyly at the others and looked over to Emmett, who stood stunned while looking at his counter, who also looked back at him silently.
"Emmett, meet Emmett, and the rest of the Cullens." Celia introduced, nudging Emmett to make sure he was okay. His golden eyes met hers and, as expected, he grinned widely. He hadn't realized how crazy it was, and he couldn't help but think; no wonder the Volturi were coming for her. She was badass.
"It's a pleasure to see you two again," Celia greeted Edward and Bella quietly. Emmett noticed the way the brunette clung to Edward, and he wondered if Celia was uncomfortable seeing her mate with someone else.
She wasn't, though, because it wasn't her Edward.
"Hi," Bella breathed for lack of better words. Edward nodded and Celia looked back at the entire family again.
"What's up?" Emmett grinned, making the others eye him warily, while the other Emmett chuckled along with Celia.

They all sat in the Cullen living room, Bella was eating silently and Celia envied her for it. She missed real food.
She took a while to look over each family member and compare their differences. Her eyes met Carlisle's and she sighed softly. He looked so much better here. Healthier, happier.
"Can we ask you about your reality?" Alice chimed from her spot on the couch. Celia smiled, glad that they wanted to know more, and nodded.
"Well, who are you? To us-- them I mean." Celia's Emmett and herself shared a momentary look, wondering if they should say the full story, but shrugged.
"Well, in our reality, not here obviously," Celia babbled, working up to it, "well, I'm Edward's mate." She admitted sheepishly. It was silent for a moment, besides Bella's heartbeat picking up; which slightly triggered Celia. She was glad she had just hunted that night.
"What's it like?" Jasper asked.
"It's just, I don't know, normal?" Celia shrugged, realizing normal meant nothing to them as they were from different universes.
"Okay, well actually it's a lot like here, I think." She clarified, then looked to Bella.
"No Bella that I know of." She narrowed her eyes, thinking about it.
"When were you turned?" Carlisle asked.
"A few months ago." Celia shrugged sheepishly. Everyone besides Bella looked surprised; the brunette snorting humorlessly and looking down. Celia could practically feel the jealousy rolling off of the human in waves.
"However, to be fair, I had lived ten years in another reality before I was turned." Celia spoke, slightly uncomfortable. Eyebrows raised, but the blonde waved it away.
"So you--" Alice stopped, thinking about her words before continuing, "-- you had signs of your gift, as a human?"
Celia nodded very slowly. She supposed you could phrase it like that. She looked in her lap and played with her fingers nervously. A protective arm was thrown over her shoulder.
"That's enough of that," her Emmett declared with a soft smile and confidence.
Celia looked to him gratefully as the subject changed. They talked about stupid stuff, politics and school and movies.
They had been there for hours when Celia announced that they should be going. Bella jumped from her seat.
"Do you have to?" She muttered. Celia looked to her and tilted her head.
"I'll be back, Bella. I promise."

Emmett and Celia awoke on the living room floor. They stood quickly and looked at each other for a minute, Emmett's thoughts rushing. After a few moments, he looked into her eyes and grinned.
"That was AWESOME!" He cheered, picking Celia up and swinging her around as their family began pulling into the room.
However, the fun stopped when an awful smell hit the grinning figures' noses, and then they realized the solemn and tensw looks on their family's faces. Edward stepped forward, but Sam got to Celia first, standing in front of her with broad shoulders and his arms crossed. Edward felt anger spark in him as he watched his mate shrink down, intimidated by the wolfish bully.
"You're coming with me." Sam stated bluntly.

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