Different, Different, and Different

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So I stood there, shaking slightly and staring at what looked like a made-up Robert Pattinson and Sabrina Carpenter.
It was crazy, I swear.
Celia had that wonder in her eyes that I created. That wonder and excitement that I bore so deep into her soul.
Edward was, well, Edward. He was on edge and confused, his eyes following Celia wherever she went. He wasn't all mine, but a lot of of his soul was, because I didn't write him the same as his original creator. I wrote him different because he was different, a different reality, a different Edward.
Different, different, different.
Everything was different.
She wasn't exactly like Sabrina Carpenter. She was more petite, more blonde, and younger looking due to that innocence in her eyes.
Edward had softer features, a less obnoxious hairdo, and a kindness in his eyes.
"Wow, so you guys are here. Great." I paced back and forth in the living room of my home.
"You created all of me?" Celia asked, a fervent look in her eyes. I stumbled slightly on the question.
"Well, no actually." I scratched the back of my head, "See, it's not just a book that you're in, it's actually called a fan-fiction, which means it's my own take on someone else's work." I explain sheepishly. They stared at me blankly for a moment before it set in.
"Okay, so we are your take on someone else's book or movie?" Edward clarified, and I nodded slowly, amazed that I was actually talking to them.
I wished I'd have gotten to meet all of them, but there was no room in the plot for those shenanigans.
"What is the original work like?" Edward questioned, moving to sit in front of me, on the couch.
"Well, actually, you've seen parts of it." I let out through gritted teeth, a stretched smile on my face.
"Oh," Celia whispered, seemingly catching on.
"Twilight," I nodded, confirming. I stood from my spot and walked over to my bookshelf. I scanned the shelves for a moment before pulling out the books I was looking for.
I made sure they didn't touch. They couldn't find out anything about the books that hadn't happened yet.
"This," I gesture toward the first book in the series, "is the story of how Bella Swan and Edward Cullen fall in love."
Edward gripped Celia's hand in his and I let out a cooing noise.
"You two are just so cute!" I giggled.
"So, what is your name?" Celia asked, leaning forward toward me.
"Oh, I'm Callie." I hold a hand out, and my sweet Celia takes my hand gently in her one, giving one light shake and a head bow.

"This is her." I turn the picture of Sabrina Carpenter toward Celia and Edward, who grab the phone and stare firmly.
"Wow, she looks just like me." Celia muttered, while Edward shook his head.
He saw what I saw. He didn't see Sabrina Carpenter, he saw Celia and they didn't look the same, despite who she was based after.
"You're way more pretty than her. Definitely different." Edward mumbled, placing his lips on Celia's temple.
"Celia, could I tell you something?" I asked softly, looking at the woman in front of me.
As much as writers deny it, their characters are nearly always fragments of themselves, sprinkled into who they wish they were.
And she was. I saw myself in the way she smiled, and her fascination, and I wished I was strong like her. No matter how much her voice shook, Celia always stood her ground.
"I wanted to say that I'm sorry, to the both of you," I admitted, bowing my head. "I've written some challenges into your lives, and there will be more." My eyes flickered to Edward, who narrowed his eyes. It was then that I remembered they were vampires and that one of them could read minds.
"Edward, did you see--" I was cut off.
"I can't read your mind." He spoke.
"Right, I suppose that makes sense." I chuckled.
"Anyway, I just wanted to tell you guys that, everything I put you through is for you. Things change, things will be different, but it will all happen for you." I stared deeply into each pair of golden eyes, sighing at the beauty and complexity of each.
"I think you should be going, time moves differently here than where you're from." I spoke, reluctant to say goodbye to the pieces of me in front of, well, me.
I have to admit, though, even this me is a different me.
The two said their goodbyes, and I nearly cried as I got to hug not only my dear Celia, my Alice-based character, whose name I did, in fact, choose based on the fact that it was an anagram for Alice. But oh, how the name fit her so beautifully.
She hugged me a bit too tight, and my Edward had to whisper that she was still stronger than me, making her pull away sheepishly.
Then Edward bent over slightly to wrap his long arms around me, and I firmly wrapped my arms around his.
He smelled of the woods and metal.
I hoped he was happy with what I had given him, who I had made him out to be. I hoped they all were.
I slowly rose on my tip-toes, leaning my mouth close to Edwards ear and almost silently whispering.
"She is capable of so much more than you know." I pull away, knowing he could see the mischief in my smirk.
Celia, of course, heard nothing despite her heightened senses; because I created her, and I could manipulate her and them in any way I needed to get her to where she belonged.

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