Menace, Meadow, and Mother

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Celia couldn't pretend she wasn't more curious about Wonderland. There was a world related to Underland, somehow.
The morning after visiting Twilight with Edward, she finally stood from the spot on his bedroom floor.
"Celia, you know this is your room, too, now. If you want it." Edward mumbled, still laying where she had been.
Celia sometimes forgot that her mind was an open book to her mate, not that she minded. When she did remember, though, one of her favorite things to do was annoy Edward.
Shouldn't you be in school?
She thought it clearly as she raised an eyebrow at him. He rolled his eyes and smiled.
"I've done his lesson like 80 times." He countered.
"People are going to think it's weird that I disappeared--" Edward flinched and the word, "and you started missing school around the same time." Celia assumed.
"I just want to be here for you." Edward said after a moment of silence.
Celia couldn't help the small smile that crept onto her face. The two had just spent the night laying next to each other, when usually she would spend her nights watching TV or reading. Now she just wanted to stay with him for the rest of the day as well.
"I'll go with you." Edward said, standing up. Celia was unsure of whether she should take Edward to Wonderland with her. She wasn't even sure what that place was. She didn't like the idea of taking Edward somewhere potentially harmful.
Upon hearing the concern in his mate's head, Edward wanted to scoff or chuckle or something in between, but as it sunk in, he realized she was right. Even though he was a vampire and one of the most powerful creatures in this reality, didn't mean it would be the same in that one.
It had never occurred to him that Celia could be in danger every time she goes somewhere. He had only ever seen her gift as something extraordinary, never as menacing.
Celia seemed to know what he was thinking, so she quickly spoke.
"Maybe you should go to school." Celia suggested again, but both vampires were distracted before Edward could answer.
A sweet yet savory smell hit the noses of Edward, Celia, and Esme--the only people residing in the Cullen house during that day. Edward recognized the scent faintly, and was curious to see if Celia would, but the smell of the human blood and the loud heartbeat distracted the newborn from knowing who the visitor was.
Celia was painfully aware that it had been too long since she hunted last. Edward managed to stop her for a split second before she ripped her body from his grasp and ran down the stairs. She was met with Esme, who managed to block her path and knock her over pretty roughly. Celia scowled from the ground, the pulsating heart was closer and louder and she wanted it. The doorbell rang and Esme managed to knock the stronger vampire down again as she made a break for the door.
"Celia, shhh. Calm down," Esme whispered, trying to soothe the girl back to reality, "shh. You're okay, shh." The older woman cooed as Edward grabbed the hungry newborn from behind. Celia had to admit, she had been calmed slightly by the touch of her mate.
"Shh, it's alright Ce," Edward cooed into her ear, "come on, let's go."
Celia was glad the thumping stopped being the only thing she could hear. She followed Edward's guiding arms and the two ended up sprinting as soon as they got out the back door.
Celia let the wind and rain be her main focus. It felt like nothing on her body, but she knew that before she would've been shivering.
The two finally slowed to a stop when they came to a meadow in the woods. Celia was too focused on the rain and wind to enjoy the thick green grass and moss covered trees. Edward was also too focused on something else to admire it.
"I'm sorry." Celia finally said, her face tilted toward the sky as tiny rain droplets fell upon the smooth marble-like skin. "I don't know what happened back there." She mumbled, fully embarrassed. Edward chuckled.
"Don't be embarrassed, we've all been to that point, and you will be again. "The first few years as a vampire are the hardest. It's when our human blood still lingers in our tissues, we are the strongest--physically, but mentally, we are the weakest. We have no control over our hunger." He comforted, his fingers now brushing through her blonde locks as she faced the other way.
"Who even was that? You guys never get visitors, I thought." Celia questioned. Edward wasn't sure what the best way to tell her was, but apparently it didn't matter because he just blurted it out without a care.
"Your mother."

Celia's chest squeezed her lungs and she choked on unnecessary oxygen. She hadn't thought a lot about her family, and she couldn't find herself to feel guilty because she honestly didn't know them well. She had never gotten to understand them, nor them her.
"They've been looking for you... She decided to check here. She remembered me." He said, his hand stilling as another scent hit their noses. This time, though, it was a gut wrenching smell that forced Celia to hold the breath she didn't need.
"Great." Edward grumbled with heavy sarcasm. Celia could practically taste the venom on his mouth.
One of the wolves walked with soft pitter patters by the meadow, the treaty line sitting just outside of the clearing.
The wolf less than stealthily spied on the vampires before running off to finish patrolling the area.
Celia sighed at Edward, giving him a disapproving look while he shrugged with a smug smile.
"What?" He asked innocently, making Celia roll her eyes and playfully shove him, knocking him over with her superior strength by accident.
"Oh, I'm so sorry." She giggled, her hands covering her face.
Thoughts of her mother had disappeared, like the thoughts of her old family usually did.

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