Unprotected, Unbirthday, and Underland

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I grew close with the Cullens over the next few days. I sat with them at lunch, and even had a few classes with them. I also spent quite a bit of time at their home after my detentions.
It was Saturday and I had decided to take a walk through the dense forest of Forks with my dog, Posie. She was a dark grey miniature schnauzer and she was my only friend that others could see.
'this seems like a bad idea..' the march hare shook. I rolled my eyes.
"do you want to be let out, or not? I can not do that for you any where else." I reasoned aloud, Posie jumping around in her coat and booties.
'silly Alice, no one can see us but you. you could let us out anywhere.' the Hatter said. I shook my head.
"no. I won't go back to that place. From now on, you stay in my head until we are completely alone." I left no room for argument.
We continued conversing as I trekked through the woods.
'were being followed..' the hare quivered.
'stop scaring Alice, dimwit.' the dormouse scolded.
"I don't mind people following me."
I found my way to a clearing. A meadow blanketed in snow. However, that wasn't the only thing in the meadow. Edward Cullen stood in the center. He must have heard me walk up, because he turned abruptly and we made eye contact.
"My apologies, Mr. Cullen. I was simply exploring." I said, not making any move to back away. I enjoyed Edward's company. I would stay, if he did not mind.
'what about us? We want out!' the rabbit scoffed.
"Celia? What are you doing out here?" Edward asked, walking toward me. He knelt down and began petting Posie. I smiled at the sight.
"She likes you." I stated. She never acted friendly toward strangers.
"She's adorable." He said, standing again. "What are you doing out here alone, Celia?"
"What are you doing out here alone, Mr. Cullen?"
"It's Edward."
"My apologies. What are you doing out here alone, Edward?" I gave a sweet smile and he chuckled.
"I'm taking a walk. My house is nearby. Now, what are you doing out here alone?" He asked, taking another step toward me, putting him quite close.
"Oh, I'm not alone," I explained, "I have Posie." I pointed down to my dog, who was watching the encounter happily.
'and us.' the Tweedle twins protested.
I cleared my throat and smiled at him again.
"Somehow I doubt your little dog will protect you from harm... If need be. You shouldn't be walking out here unprotected." He retorted, causing me to shrug.
"You'd be surprised. Sometimes even the smallest, cutest things can be the most vicious."


"You'd be surprised. Sometimes even the smallest, cutest things can be the most vicious." She spoke, her smile wiped off of her face. I frowned and tilted my head. I wondered if that had to do with what she did. Why she wasn't in school the first couple of months.
"Would you like some company?" She offered, tilting her head. I couldn't help but smile.
"Of course."


"Of course." He smiled, holding a hand out for me.
'what about us?! You're going to leave us locked up for some boy?!' the dormouse sneered.
'even I agree with the door out. We've been locked away far too long, Alice.' the white rabbit added.
'so very odd' the march hare gulped.
'come on, Alice. Let us out.' pried the Cheshire cat.
'it wouldn't hurt much, alice.' the Mad Hatter agreed.
'oh please' cried the Tweedle twins.
'reveal who you really are, Alice. If they matter, they won't mind.' the blue caterpillar coaxed.
'we will celebrate your unbirthday, Alice!' the Hatter bribed.


I held my hand out for Celia, but she zoned out completely. I called her name and waved my hand in front of her face, but she just stared blankly. It was almost like when Alice was having a vision.
She began clenching her teeth until her hands flew up over her ears, making her dog start barking angrily.
"Celia what's wrong? Celia!" I yelled, grabbing her shoulders. She snapped out of it and grabbed my arms.
"Edward, you're very odd." She rushed. I furrowed my brows and nodded.
"I'm very odd, as well. I want to show you."


"I'm very odd, as well. I want to show you." I cried, before letting my friends take over. I pulled Posie and Edward close, knowing I would regret showing him later. They would take me back to the place with the people in white coats. Wind whipped violently around us before it stopped. We were no longer in cold, rainy Forks.
"What the hell?" Edward muttered, looking around Underland.


I looked around at all of the bright colors and crazy thing I was seeing. We were no longer in Forks, that I knew. I was worried and, quite honestly, scared. However, Celia looked completely relaxed, at home even. Posie was growling at some flowers near by. I didn't know why, at first, but then I saw that they were moving and talking.


Edward Cullen stared at the chirping flowers. I watched him with my head tilted.
"Curiouser and curiouser." I muttered. "Nobody else ever sees them. Nobody ever sees Underland, only me and Posie. How do you see them?" I demanded, my voice still soft. He shrugged his shoulders, at a loss for words.
"Celia. What is this?" He pleaded.
"This is Underland, Mr. Cullen. This is where all my friends live."

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