Family, Forest, and Forever

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Celia was buzzing with a whole new mindset. She had made a breakthrough in Twilight. She had actually interacted with people, and one was a counter of her mate.
"Edward!" She shouted, reclaiming her body in his arms.
Edward was stunned at the outburst.
"Oh, Edward! You would never believe it!" She begins excitedly, making Edward feel happiness for her.
As she spoke of Twilight and who she had met, Edward watched the stars in her eyes. She would grab his face to make sure he was listening, and he would smile and nod for her to go on, sending her back into a deep pit of "she was so pretty" and "he didn't know about vampires!" and "he wasn't really like you". Then she described how it felt to just actually speak to someone other than them.
"Don't get me wrong, I love you guys. You're my family and amazing company, but wow I've never held an actual normal conversation with someone, like ever," she gushed, and the Cullen's(who had all gathered in the living area to watch the girl in her daze) all felt a spark of pride at the word 'family.'
It was true, she had never really talked to people, especially not about normal things, even as a human.
"It sounds amazing, Celia." Alice spoke, admiration adorning her features. Celia took a moment to look at everyone, and when her eyes landed on Carlisle she nearly grimaced. A tired expression made him look a sliver more human than the others.
She shared a look with Edward as the thought crossed her mind. Edward was the only other one that knew about the possibility of a war with the wolves, even though Carlisle himself tried to push the word "war" away from the issue.
"Fascinating, but that could never happen here," Rosalie dismissed, somewhat sourly.
Celia furrowed her eyebrows.
Curiouser and curiouser
She cringed as the thought invaded her mind. Before she even had the chance to actually ask why, Edward began to explain in a soft tone, his hand on her lower back.
"It's illegal for vampires to show humans what they really are."
Because Celia was the only one who had met the other Edward, she was the only person who thought, even for a second, that the other Edward had broken the law in the other reality.
Carlisle slowly made his way out of the room as conversations pursued throughout the living room. Celia took note, but didn't follow him. However, she was glad to see Esme moving to check on him a moments later.
Eventually, Edward and Celia were alone. They sat side-by-side at the meadow they had visited few times before. They faced East, toward La Push. She remembered how close they were to the treaty line.
"I suppose that means she made it, then?" Edward mentioned quietly, and Celia knew he meant Bella surviving James' attack.
"I suppose. Like I said, she recognized me. She knew I was here with you," Celia replied, twiddling her thumbs. "Hey, Edward?" She grasped for his attention, gulping down the lump in her throat. He turned his body toward her slightly, a concerned look on his face.
"Yes?" It came out as a whisper, echoing through the meadow.
"We were meant to be together, right?" She whispers, almost silently. Though Edward knew what she was thinking, he still tensed at the question. He was worried she would be mad at him for keeping it from her, above all else.
After a long silence, Edward leaned backward, laying his back against the soft, wet, green grass. Celia followed suit after a shaky, unnecessary breath.
Celia's hands laid at her side. She could see her blonde locks falling over her shoulders and on her chest.
"It is believed," Edward began, slowly moving his hand toward Celia's, "that vampires have soulmates. People they're meant to spend their eternities with," he explained softly, his hand meeting Celia's. Their fingers tangled slowly, neither taking their eyes off of the darkening sky in the forest.
"So, Esme and Carlisle," Celia started, making Edward nod.
"Rosalie and Emmett, and Jasper and Alice as well." He confirmed. Celia tilted her head slightly, curiosity getting the better of her.
"Why didn't you tell me?" She breathed, and Edward cringed at the feeling of betrayal that played on her lips and in the deepest parts of her mind.
"I didn't know how. It's new to me, as well." He explained the best he could, but even he knew it was a pitiful excuse.
"I'm not mad," Celia clarified quickly, "just confused." She sat up, pulling Edward up with her. She faced him.
"I know we supposedly have forever," she began, her soft, airy voice shaking. She reached a hand to brush his face gently, "but I can't help but feel that we should have had all this time together-- really together." The words echoed; through the meadow, the forest, the ears of not just the two vampires but any gods or goddesses that may have been pouring there entirety into such a seemingly small, insignificant pairing.
And Edward lunged forward, tackling the girl onto her back. Emotions ran wild, stress engulfed them, and locked lips were the only things that kept the two from completely unravelling.
This kiss was not like any other that Celia had shared. It was hungry, strong, and uncontrollable. Celia was completely willing to let herself be controlled by this, as it was much better than being controlled by her hunger as a newborn.
Edwards hands tangled in and pulled on blonde hair. Celia felt safe pinned under his body, his hands and focus on her.
The kiss softened, until eventually it was soft pecks on cheeks, eyelids, and noses. They laid on their sides, facing each other, foreheads touching.
Edward watched as the moonlight draped over his mate like a spotlight in the dark forest. He told her she was the strongest person he knew.
And hours later, he watched the sun do the same thing. He told her she was his best friend.

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