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'I'll drive you home later.' Tony suggested as they stood in the kitchen counter, him spreading the salted butter on her toast.

'If you want to make this separation harder for me, by all mean.' Ha Na took a sip of cold fresh milk. She was too restless, hopeless and dull to comb her hair when she went to the kitchen.

Mr. and Mrs. Lington went out for morning jog and their current activity involved going to the market to get local breakfast. The house was, fortunately empty, Tony and Ha Na can spend their last morning together.

'Ha Na, there's no point vexing over this, right?' Tony, as patient as ever, place the toast and butter knife down, support his elbow against the marbled surface, he leaned closer to Ha Na, hoping to get her attention.

'I wanna stay here, but, it's impossible no matter how I tried to find a thousand reason.' She sighed. 'Oppa, can we rent an apartment together next year when I turn twenty one?' As usual, when Ha Na is suffering from emotional turbulence, she will come up with big, impossible ideas.

'Are you sure I'm going to be a qualified boyfriend by your mother?' His lips curled up when he successfully made Ha Na rolled her eyes.

'How! I'm going miss sleeping with you and us messing around in the bed!' She scrunched her hair, which has been tied into a messy ponytail. Tony likes it when he saw her looking so domestically comfortable.

'We can rent a room in a motel, Dong Ja told me its a trend right now.'

'Omo! Oppa!' Ha Na squealed and smack his arm. 'Wow, your arm...' Ha Na stroke it after hitting him, 'I'm going to miss sleeping on this arm, can I chop it off and bring it with me?'

'What am I going to do with you, Kim Ha Na?' Tony sniggers as he shakes his head with disbelief.

'If you are going to send me home, I should tell my mother.' She took her phone and called her mother. The call get through, but the weird thing was, she could hear the familiar voice of her mother right outside the house. It wasn't a surprise, as Mrs. Kim's had a Mustang power of voice that was gifted to her lung. She hang up her phone, slouching her body and head towards the window.

Tony narrowed his eyes, wondering what unspeakable activities Ha Na was embarking on. 'What's wrong?'

'Sshhh.' She shushed at him. 'I think I heard my mother's voice.'

Just the right moment, Tony heard the clicking sound coming from the main door. He was caught in between Ha Na's weird posture at the window, like a monkey trying to escape her cage and the adults who are walking inside his house.

'Jung Ho! Oe-muh-nim haven't saw you for so long!' Mrs. Kim, her familiar blatantly loud voice has been vividly stored inside Tony's voice recognition system.

Ha Na returned to her normal posture immediately, in a swish, she was smiling oh so brightly towards the elders who approached the house.

Even when he has reside in the western culture for a decade, he never forgot the traditional way of greeting the seniors. 'How are you, oe-muh-nim, ah-beo-nim?' Tony made a deep bow to Ha Na's parents. First impression makes a smooth beginning, if he wants her parents to accept him as their daughter's boyfriend.

'Our Jung Ho has become such a handsome young man, have you got a girlfriend, Jung Ho?' Mrs. Kim went towards Tony and pad his shoulder. Mr. Kim followed Mr. Lington towards the garden.

'Well, not at the moment.' He replied, chuckling with a sense of awkwardness. He wasn't sure if this was considered as a lie.

'Are you sure?' Mrs. Kim glance at him with astounding look. 'I have a few girls in mind where I can introduce to you, how about that, Jung Ho?'

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