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Tony rest his head against his palm, it's already nine in the evening and he is still stuck with him work

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Tony rest his head against his palm, it's already nine in the evening and he is still stuck with him work.

It wasn't really about the work that bothers him, it's Mr. Kim. He has called his parents to help Ha Na's in whichever way they could contribute. He watched the frosty weather outside, soon, the whole patch of grass would be covered with patches of snow, and walking along the street would be stressful and dangerous, accidents might happen anytime.

'Everything's okay?' Amanda knocked his door before she speaks.

When Tony turn around, she was holding the tablet on her arm.

'Fine, yes, what's up?' He forces a nod, holding back his worries and tries to focus on the job, since the sooner they complete, the faster he could go back to Ha Na.

'You don't really look okay, can I get you something to drink or?' Amanda kindly offered, but her voice gets softer the more she speaks, afraid Tony might find her annoying.

'I'm fine, thanks, I really appreciate that.' He speaks no further about the details, Tony had a strict protocol about about not mixing personal details with colleagues, since it will become complicated later on. But it was different with his D.C squad, there were like a family now. 'Something you wish to tell me?'

Amanda nodded, knowing Tony has chopped all intention to continue that conversation, she move on to discuss their work.

Tony went home as soon as he the clock strikes ten, he needs to call Ha Na. Back at his house, it was depressing to see his bed empty.

Ha Na was suppose to here with him. He actually head to the mall and get a new pink bedsheet just to surprise his girlfriend. Beside the bed, the extra cup that he prepared for Ha Na has gone to waste. His house is empty and cold.

Anyhow, Tony took his phone and pressed for her number.

Ha Na stayed in the hospital overnight since her mother needs to infuse with drips from her aftershock. With both her parents admitted, Ha Na was grateful that Eun Suk and Yoo Na was there to accompany her, despite the fact that they have to attend class.

'Aboeji never told me he was sick...' there was very much a hint of melancholy in her voice as she stares blankly at her father through the glass.

Yoo Na strokes her shoulder. 'You have to be strong Kim Ha Na.' Yoo Na doesn't know what to say to make her friend feel better, because Ha Na won't feel better. Nobody would.

'What's the option for treating your father's cancer?' Eun Suk stands beside Ha Na. Between Eun Suk and Yoo Na, Eun Suk was more of a logical person, who knew how to put emotions aside and deal with the matters. That balance their friendship.

'I don't know, Eun Suk. I'll have to wait until my mom gets better.' Ha Na answer depressingly.

'Kim Ha Na.' Eun Suk sigh and turn Ha Na around, 'look, if you don't start acting like and adult, nobody would treat you like and adult, you don't need to wait for your mother, it's time for you to take the responsibility of this house, because what if-'

'Stop it, Eun Suk, I don't need your lecture. You lost your parents but that doesn't give you the right to start lecturing me.' In a heated moment, the pair of them starts an argue.

'What?' Eun Suk frown, Ha Na's words has crushed her, she was trying to get some sense into her. 'Am I wrong for telling you to do the right thing? Because, let's face it, Kim Ha Na, you were a living in a glass house all these while, your parents have been taking care of you too well that you can't handle any crisis thrown into you.'

'Stop it, Song Eun Suk, I don't need you here.' Ha Na's eyes stare sternly at her best friend, tears filled the rim of her eyes.

Her chest stricken with unfathomable grieve, even though she wouldn't show it on the surface. Eun Suk move a few steps back and leave in a huff. It was only when Ha Na and Yoo Na weren't able to see her face that her tears finally flows from her eyes.

Eun Suk's footstep echoes even when she has vanished from their side. Ha Na sigh, letting go of her pressure, she doesn't want this to happen between Eun Suk and herself, but it wasn't sensible for Eun Suk to talk like this.

'She is outright frank, we know it, right, Kim Ha Na?' Yoo Na soothes her and rubs Ha Na's shoulder, trying to calm her down.

Ha Na doesn't want to make explanation for herself nor Eun Suk, and it was in this moment that her phone vibrated.

She walks to the corner to gain privacy, she needed to hear his voice now.

'Oppa?' She calls him, in a way that sounds like she is solemn and cold, trapped in solidarity.

'Hey,' he breath, relief to hear her voice. 'How is Mr. Kim?'

She shakes her head, 'not good, he hasn't woke up since yesterday.' Ha Na bites her lips, there's so many uncertainties she wants to tell Tony, there's too many 'what if' running through her mind.

'I promise I'll be back once everything is done, it's almost complete, I just need to attend a few more briefings and I can fly home.' Tony needs Ha Na to trust him, to have faith in him. Home used to be the States for Tony, now, it's wherever Ha Na is.

Ha Na grip the hem of her wool sweater, she took a sharp inhale. 'Can't you held meetings online or something?' She retorted, emotions taking over her. Ha Na, for once, doesn't want to be emphatic, she has no room for being emphatic, now that every comet in the sky is charging at her, she just wants to drive everybody away just to see who will be there for her.

'Ha Na, please, I wanted to go back. Please have no doubt that I care about your father.' Tony tries to calm her down, he was stuck in between.

'If that was your father, would you still hesitate about flying back?' Ha Na shoot an ultimatum, but she doesn't realized that once those words is out, there's no turning back.

Tony inhaled, his chest was gripped tightly by those icy words Ha Na said. 'My mother was a victim of cancer, Ha Na, and I thank God everyday that she recover, I never want to sink into that nightmare again.'

Both of them fall silent. Although they were separated by the seas and distance, but their heart have never been this distanced from each other, it's equivalent to a light years away.

Mrs Kim paced towards the ICU in her hospital wear, her expression were grim.

'My mother is here, I have to hang up now.' Ha Na wanted to punish Tony, she simply hang the phone without telling him that she would call him later. Ha Na was absorb by the anger, too deep that she couldn't behave rationally.

'Oh-ma...' Ha Na held her mother's elbow tight, afraid she might lost her stability again.

Mrs Kim pressed her palm against the glass, as if she is touching Mr Kim's cheek right now. 'Bastard,' she hissed, before her voice was caught in her throat, 'fool, stupid fool!' Her sobs filled the entire hall and even though the nurses experience it everyday, they can't help but felt the ache for every patient's family who have to go through this.

'Oe-mu-ni,' Yoo Na held Mrs Kim's elbow as well while overwhelmed by emotions.

'Oh-ma,' Ha Na simper while begging her mother to stop scolding her father even when she knows her mother is only venting her stress. 'Please, stop,' she told her mother. 'Please...' Ha Na couldn't remember when was the last time she ever cried this hard, none, perhaps.


I'm soooo sorry about the delays. I almost delete this book but I don't think I can because I love the cover too much and I re-read the story again, somehow it got almost all my write's block smashed and I'm really anxious to complete this book.

The following chapter might be depressing for some, since it's related to death. One of my relative just died of cancer. The hurt is fresh. Ironic part was that, I stopped writing this book when Ha Na's dad is diagnose with cancer, and I begin writing again when Ha Na's dad died of cancer.

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