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I'm selfish, impatient and a little insecure. I make mistakes, I am out of control and at times hard to handle. But if you can't handle me at my worst, then you sure as hell don't deserve me at my best.
~Marilyn Monroe~

'He doesn't want a baby?' Yoo Na notches up her intricately drawn eyebrow. She could have thread her eyebrows, it would save her at least half an hour of her day drawing it, which will inevitably decrease the chance of her being late for almost everything.

'You are already talking about baby?' Ji Suk scoffed in an unbelievable manner, like all the research she gathers was a pile of useless information.

Ha Na nodded her head listlessly as her eyes fixed into the fine details of the marble table they were sitting at while sipping her cup of cold tea.

'Hey! Kim Ha Na?' Ji Suk wave her hand vigorously in front of Ha Na's eyes just to get her attention. 'She is totally hopeless.' Ji Suk commented.

'But, Ha Na, you are not even sure if you are getting married with him, isn't it to rush to be talking about baby stuff?' Yoo Na tried to comfort her, but honestly, she felt Ha Na was taking matters a bit too far.

'If we had a different mindset, different things we want in life, how are we suppose to move towards the same direction?' Without shifting her body, she replied her friends monotonously.

Ji Suk shakes her head. 'Just focus on your work, Kim Ha Na, in another five years, you might even change your mind about marriage. What about your comic? You were just listed into their royalty program, focus.' Ji Suk repeat again, 'Focus, Kim Ha Na.' Ji Suk look straight into Ha Na's blank eyes and shake her shoulder to get her soul back.

Ha Na sigh, remove her body from the table and leaned back to the chair rest. 'You are right. I should focus on money.'

'That's right, Ha Na.' Yoo Na clap encouragingly.

'I need to save money to buy an apartment with oppa Jung Ho.' Ha Na said determinedly, even her blank eyes shimmers once she found a new target in life.

'Apartment?' Ji Suk gritted her teeth, 'you don't get it, you still don't get it Kim Ha Na, I told you to focus on yourself first, not your boyfriend.' Ji Suk tries to be as patient as she could.

Yoo Na looses her enthusiasm in consoling Ha Na. 'Kim Ha Na, I think you are just too obsessed with the idea of wedding and marriage, but you forgot about yourself.'

Ha Na took a while to absorb what Yoo Na said. She looks at Yoo Na, with a pair of eyes full of disbelief. A stab of betrayal pierces through her heart. Ha Na tries to find a word to escape her mouth, any word, any reasonable words to argue with Yoo Na, but nothing comes out.

'Ha Na...' Ji Suk sighs at her, 'Yoo Na is right, there's no hurry to rush into things, just let things flow itself...'

She thought she could find comfort in her best friend when things is going pretty low for her, yet, things didn't come out as what she expected. 'Fine, I'm leaving.' Ha Na throws her phone into her bag and zip it.

'Ha Na...' they both tried to stops her, but Kim Ha Na has storms out of the cafe.

For the rest of the day, Ha Na took a bus ride, a really long bus ride, she decide to spend her first earning from Webtoon to pay for this ride. While listening to the song full of emotional, she gaze at the window, watching the summer sun slowly blend into the coral sunset.

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