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Ever since the funeral, Mrs Kim has been sorting her late husband's belonging

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Ever since the funeral, Mrs Kim has been sorting her late husband's belonging. The iron lady has met her match, there's nothing she cannot accomplish but right now, she really can't.

She can't decide which one to keep, which one to tossed, because she couldn't accept he has left this world. He used to sleep beside her every night, she would hear his snore and complain the next morning, now, the silent is overwhelming.

Mr Kim never fails to leave the closet door open and Mrs Kim would be grumbling every time he does that, now, every thing is in place, it's too neat that it scares her.

The weather is cold outside, but here in the Kim's resident, it's equivalent to the state of Antartica. No more sizzling sound of barbecued meat, no aroma of kimchi soup wafting around the house, nothing, they would only buy takeaways or eat the leftover kimchi.

Mrs Lington have been supplying meals to the devastated mother and daughter, Tony would bring it to Ha Na's house.

Knowing that they needed time and space, Tony never stayed long, except spending a few minutes with Ha Na, even if they wasn't talking, he enjoys sitting with her head leaning on his shoulder.

That has been going on until spring approaches.

Nothing much change, nothing much remained the same. Tony continues going to work whilst Ha Na goes to class.

One fine morning, Ha Na found a letter addressed to her. She carefully peeled  it open while walking gingerly inside her house, afraid she might tripped and fall.

"Congratulations! It is with great pleasure that I offer you admission to the University of New South Wales, Australia..."

'Oh my God,' Ha Na mumbled. There are three things that is running inside Ha Na's perplex mind. One: this is one of her greatest achievement so far. Two: her mother. Three: Tony.

With all these thoughts battling inside her mind, she doesn't know what to feel.

In the past, she would have rejected the offer, because of her unambitious nature would naturally lead her to choose Tony over everything else.

Right now, she would have rejected the offer if she have to leave her mother alone in Seoul.

But the voice of Mr Kim seeps into her mind: be selfish for your happiness.

Ha Na doesn't know what is happiness anymore, or if she deserve happiness. With a heavy heart, she close the letter and find a place in her drawer and stacked it along with other papers.

Her routine is almost back to normal, but, every time she laugh, it will be different, even her perspectives would be different.

Ha Na sets her time for her best friends, her boyfriend, but mostly for her mother, until Mrs Kim has to chase her away and force her to go out with either Tony or the girls. 'Stop staying at house like a pest, go out and stretch your body, Kim Ha Na.' She knew her daughter meant well, but Mrs Kim wanted her daughter to have her own time for herself. Besides drowning with work, Mrs Kim has been taking up new hobbies which she hasn't got the time to. Now she has a group of friend who attended the same singing class with her in the church.

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