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Love is when other person's happiness is more important than your own
~H. Jackson Brown, Jr~

It's finally summer, and its officially a two months anniversary for Ha Na and Tony.

They struggled really hard, leading life a that is forty minutes away from each other's house. For every chance they get to see each other, the first ten minutes were contributed to embracement. They kiss like nobody is watching, like an armageddon is happening tomorrow . The car is the most frequent spot where they engaged in messing around activities.

It often leads to breathlessness, vapor steaming up the car windows like what happen to Jack and Rose in the set of Titanic. Of course, they stick to their rules, no sex.

No penetrative sex...to be exact.

It doesn't exclude touching each other's sensitive part...

They needed tissues, lots and lots of tissues in the car...

'I feel like a teenager again.' Tony chuckles, sharing a cup of salted caramel gelato with Ha Na. It's Saturday, a rare Saturday that Tony doesn't have to work.

'Teenagers doesn't work.' Ha Na licked the gelato off from the stainless steel spoon. She was wearing a blue sundress, shelters her eyes with a sunglasses, overlooking the scenic river from Cafe Santorini, one of the appealing location in Seoul that offers a resemblance of Greek's most beautiful view. Today, she had her make up stands out by applying a thick brow that is inspired by Audrey Hepburn.

He squeeze her nose with his fingers. 'You are such a grumpy woman.'

'You see, we have dated two months, and I can count using my fingers about the number of time I get to see you, oppa.'

'That's why its called working adult, Kim Ha Na. Plus, you can put those fingers to other use.' He smirked and took a spoonful of gelato, direct it at Ha Na's mouth. 'Ahhh' he instructed and send the mouthful creaminess into her mouth. 'Can you say something sweeter to me now?'

Ha Na couldn't hide her grin, it's always his cheekiness that could make her smile. 'Anyway, besides our two monthsary, there's another big news I've been wanting to announce.' She lifted her glasses away from her eyes and tucked in on her hair.

'Yes?' All his attention were fully zoom on her.

'Remember my comic in Webtoon?' Ha Na asked and Tony nodded immediately. 'I just received a notification from them that my work have become the featured!' She announced excitedly

'What does it mean?'

'It means, oppa, I will be receiving royalty from today onwards.' Ha Na's face glowed with exhilaration.

'Kim Ha Na, I knew you are going to make it! Wow. Technology is so advanced right now, in the past, we have to submit them to the publisher, and that doesn't guarantee that your book will be published.'

'That's why I was lucky to been born later than you, and I do work hard for this.' She smiled and her own achievement.

'How does it feel to be rewarded for your hard work?' He asked.

'Great, more than great. It's just...for the first time I could buy something for my parents with my own money, it's just incredible.' She shrugged and laugh in a silly manner.

Tony took her hand and stroke it. 'I'm so proud of you, Kim Ha Na, I mean it.'

'Well, I was thinking of renting a house when I can afford it...' Ha Na brought up the subject of sharing a house with Tony. Even though it was a taboo in so many way, but she wanted to know what plan does Tony have in mind without directly approaching him.

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