Doctor Depression (Ross)

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You bounced into Monica's apartment with a slam open of the door and a shrieking smile. Everyone turned to face where you stood happily on your feet, Ross staring at your smile across the room.

"Well, what has got you worked up so much on a school night, little lady?" Chandler asked you. He only earned back an odd look in response.

"First, that's so creepy. Second, I finally got a date with that doctor!"

Everyone but Ross smiled and clapped for your accomplishment while Ross just continued to stare at you.

"Congratulations!" Monica shrieked, rushing over to give you a hug. You gratefully accepted it, slipping off your coat and tossing it over the side of a chair.

"Wait, what doctor?" Ross finally said.

Everyone looked over at him while you leaned on the back cushion of the chair that Chandler was sitting on.

"Doctor Travis? You don't remember me talking about him at all?" You asked. Ross nervously coughed, looking around.

"Uh, no. Not really."

You shrugged. "Well, that's his name. He's taking me out tomorrow at eight."

Everyone cheered once again while Ross couldn't stop his love struck staring. He was waiting for you.

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