Cash (Joey)

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"Why can't you just let me pay for one cup of coffee. I have the cash to do it now!" You begged Joey as he looked at you before sliding the money across the counter at Gunther. "Thanks." He said before stocking it and going to fix the coffee.

"You don't have that much money, ____." He said back, patting your shoulder softly. You frowned. "It's still money that could pay for a simple drink, Joey."

He chuckled. "Maybe someday when I'm a famous actor and you're a famous hairdresser, then maybe we can. But I want you to save money."

You sighed as the cup of coffee got handed to Joey. "Thanks." He said before leading you over to where his friends were.

"Hey, guys."

Monica smiled, looking up from her conversation. "Hey, what's up? You seem sadder than normal."

"I'm not sad." You said back. "I just wanted to pay for your drink because I have money." You judged Joey, getting only a glance from him before he took another sip of the drink.

Monica laughed. "Joey, why wouldn't you let her pay? She wants to and you wouldn't have to pay for it and use your little earning. She at least will make lots of money."

You nodded. "See! You should've just let me paid for the coffee."

He smiled up at you, pressing a light kiss to your cheek before grabbing his coat and heading out the door, his coffee sitting on the table.

"Where are you going?" You asked him.

He only smiled before leaving the coffee house and walking down the street. You sighed, scooting into Joey's chair as your legs hung over the arm.

"What's up with that?" Ross asked, looking at you with confusion. You only shrugged, letting out a confused sigh. "Honestly, not sure."

Monica smiled. "He loves you a lot, so maybe he's doing something based off of his love and admiration for you."

You laughed. "I wouldn't be surprised if he just bought me a coffee stand. I mean, he doesn't have that much money, less than me, and he loves to just spend it."

"You two are the same way." Chandler pointed out. "You spend and spend and spend, until you're both broke and trying not to suffer the consequences."

You tossed a pillow at him, shrugging it off but still laughing slightly.


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