Thanksgiving Sex (Joey)

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"We share a wall, Joey. Either you're incredible in bed or she strongly agrees with you." Chandler said as he laughed, shrugging slightly.

"What can I say?" He stated as he went back to watching the television while Chandler turned his attention away from Joey and to Ross.

"Hey, guys." You said entering the room with Rachel who went immediately to Monica to talk to her about what had happened while the two of you were out shopping.

"Hey, hey, ____." Joey said standing up, walking over to where you were and pulling you to his lips and hearing you let out a hum of satisfaction.

"Not in my kitchen!" Monica nearly shrieked. "You'll get Joey germs everywhere!"

Joey let go, looking over at Monica. "Why just me? We're both doin' it, aren't we? So why you gotta pin the blame on me!"

You patted his shoulder as he turned back to you and looked you deep in the eyes, suddenly pressing his lips to yours again, but this time with a little more aggression.

"Woah, angry Joey means that there will be some sex happening tonight." Chandler spoke up as Monica let out a small groan of annoyance.

You let go to grab his hand and pull him to Rachel's room, shutting and locking the door.

Rachel frowned. "Aw, not in my bedroom!"

Ross snickered.

"What are you laughing at! You'd be the exact same if they went to go have sex in your room- on your bed, Ross!" She shrieked, getting up and going to find a bobby pin to unlock the door and get the two of you out.

"Might not wanna do that. I'd let them get it all out and just turn up the television really loudly." Chandler said, grabbing the remote.

Rachel frowned. "Not in my bedroom."

Monica yelled over the television Thanksgiving Day announcer. "Hey, guys! Where's Phoebe?"

Chandler turned to look at her. "Okay, it's not up that loud."

Ross answered for him. "She's staying with her grandmother right now because of something that she needed to know. She won't be joining us."

Monica nodded, continuing to cut up the vegetables for the dish she was currently preparing for today.

Chandler let out a sigh, turning up the volume a little bit more as Rachel frowned once again. "Why couldn't they have gone to Monica's room? I should've locked my door before hand."

Chandler looked over at her. "Then where would that get you? All you'd have is a lock and no key. I just suggest you let them get it out now or else I'll have to deal with it tonight."

"I'd rather you deal with it tonight than them do it on my bed!" Rachel said back as Monica shushed her.

"It's not a challenge, quiet down."

Rachel turned around and glared slightly before continuing her pouting as Ross let out a sigh this time.

"You know, how do you stand that, Chandler?"

He shrugged. "I mean, Joey has women over a lot so I eventually got used to it. But when he gets into a serious relationship, it gets worse. Especially if you make him mad or upset- then it's bound to be really loud."

Ross nodded. "Interesting."

"Why is that interesting? You planning on taking some of Joey's tips for having better sex because you know that you're horrible in bed?" Rachel asked.

Ross sat up. "No! No. I'm just saying it's interesting because- it's interesting!"

Rachel rolled her eyes as Chandler sat back in his chair.

"Would you both please just get along." Monica said, stirring the mashed potatoes.

"We'll be lucky if she can even walk after this. When Joey's angry, he usually takes it to the next level." Chandler stated as the door opened and Joey came walking out with one of Ross' shirts on.

"Hey, that's my shirt? What is my shirt still doing in your room?" He asked Rachel as she tried to come up with an excuse but Joey said something before she could.

"Man, you are so skinny!" Joey commented.

"How do you have a girlfriend again?" Chandler asked as Joey just rolled his eyes slightly, going over and sitting down on the couch as you stumbled out of the room and into the doorway.

"Hi, Monica?" You asked her, leaning against the doorway with Joey's shirt on. He smiled.

"Are you okay?" Ross asked him. He just laughed a little, feeling satisfied with himself.

"Yeah?" Monica replied, staring over at you with a bowl in her hands.

"Do you, uh, have any painkillers?"

Chandler's eyes went wider along with Ross and Rachel as Joey just smiled, chuckling to himself slightly as you sent him a smile, looking back up towards Monica.

"Uh, no. But I'm sure that Ross has some."

You frowned.

Chandler decided to stand up for the two of you. "Actually, we have some. Follow me this way and we can give some to you."

You groaned a little, stepping out some to follow Chandler as you stumbled a tiny bit, limping your way over to where he was standing.

"You trip?" He asked.

You crossed your arms, staring up at him with sass on your face. "No, now help me get over there."

Chandler just laughed as he opened the door and you pulled him along with you to get the painkillers.

Rachel turned around to face Joey immediately after you and Chandler had both left. "Really, Joey? You did her that hard?"

"Hey, it's not my fault Monica made me angry." He said, glancing over at Monica who sighed before grumbling things under her breath as she continued cooking.

You and Chandler both entered the room again as you limped slightly inside and came over to sit with Joey. You plopped down next to him, letting out a sigh of relief as you leaned into his hold.

"Mhmm." Joey hummed, a smile on his lips as Chandler stared at the two of you.

"Remind me again how the hell you managed to get a girlfriend."

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