loving you instead |part five| (chandler)

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some time had passed since you had kissed chandler again- your boyfriend's best friend.

you hated lying to joey but you knew exactly what would happen if you told him what had now occurred twice.

you ran a hand through your hair, looking out of the window from your apartment. chandler had left a few minutes ago, leaving you to your thoughts.

when you heard your phone ring, you thought it might be chandler but instead of risking saying his name without warning, you answered with a simple 'hello'.

"hey, _____," you heard joey say over the phone.

you put a hand to your forehead, feeling the guilt suddenly begin to eat you up slowly. you couldn't keep lying to joey.

yeah, you loved him.

but chandler was chandler- someone who you had not only shared two sweet moments with but someone who saw more than you expected too.

"hey," you replied back, trying to hide back the guilt of kissing chandler and not feeling bad about the feelings you had towards him.

"everything okay?" joey asked.

sure, joey was a sweet guy and would always love you no matter what. but the problem was that he had finally settled down with you- which is something he never did.

you felt absolutely terrible.

"yeah, everything's fine," you said. "why wouldn't it be fine?" you questioned him, looking back out of your window.

joey didn't reply for a few moments.

"i was just asking, is all."

you nodded to yourself.

"listen, joey," you replied, stopping yourself. you had in a way slipped up. you always called him 'honey' or 'joe' or even 'joseph' when you were angry enough. never did you call him just by his name. you used a nickname. swallowing back the guilt, you pushed forward. "i'm tired so i think i'm going to go to sleep. see you tomorrow, okay?"

he sighed. "oh, alright. sleep well. i love you."

"goodnight, joey," you replied back, setting the phone down as you nearly screamed at yourself. you couldn't even say 'i love you' to him anymore. he was slipping away because of you.

but god did you feel something for chandler.

you looked out the window, debating on calling chandler but you knew joey was home and would answer the phone.

turning around, you stared at the phone.

it seemed so tempting.

however, you couldn't. you couldn't do it, not with this entire chandler thing occurring. risking it all would be terrible.

you would just have to wait.

upon arriving at joey and chandler's apartment the next day, you noticed only joey was there to your disappointment. you needed to talk to chandler.

"hey," you said softly.

joey looked up from his magazine, a smile on his lips as he went over and hugged you. you hugged him back, only to complete the image.

you saw chandler open his door, seeing you there as he nodded, shutting the door once more. when joey let go, you gave him a smile.

"i need to talk to chandler about something," you told him, beginning to walk over to his door when joey's words stopped you.

"is something going on?"

you turned around to face him.

"uh," you began, seeing joey raise his eyebrows. "no," you finished. "no, nothing is going on. it's just that this is for your birthday party and we don't want you to know what's going to happen. we all know you love a good surprise."

he chuckled. "as much as the next person."

you gave him one last smile before entering chandler's room and shutting the door, clicking the lock into place as you pulled chandler quickly to your lips.

you needed to figure it all out, but for now you just wanted him and his lips. after a few more shared kisses, you looked up at him.

"we need to talk about us," you told him.

chandler sighed, moving a stray piece of hair out of your face as you smiled up at him.

"do we have to right now? we only have a few minutes together with that crappy excuse you gave joey," he responded back softly.

you playfully hit him, giving him a smile as he smiled back at you.

"it's the first thing that came to mind," you replied. chandler only smiled, staring down at you with a smile before pulling you back to his lips.

you gratefully accepted it, letting go to bring him over to the bed where he laid you down gently. you stared up at him.

"we can't do this right now," you muttered, staring up into his eyes. "but we can spend time together, talking about us."

"so is there an us?" chandler asked you, speaking softly so joey wouldn't be able to hear anything.

you nodded, pulling chandler back down to your lips once again before sharing a few more sweet kisses.

"i just need to find a way to let joey down easily," you muttered, your eyes shifting off to the side of the room. chandler shrugged.

"or you could just wait and tell him later," he muttered back in response to your statement.

you let out a small laugh as chandler pressed his lips to your neck but you quickly covered your mouth, still staring at him with a bright twinkle in your eye.

"be careful, _____," he mumbled. "you'd hate to be caught right now."

you nodded, sitting up as chandler did the same.

"so, you can meet me tonight at my place?" you asked him. he nodded in response to your question.

"yeah," he said. "just as long as after our talk, i get to have you all to myself."

you smiled sweetly up at him, pressing a soft kiss to his lips once more before pulling away.

"yeah, of course," you replied. "don't let joey find out about any of this, okay? i can't break his heart so early on."

chandler nodded, unlocking the door as you exited, thanking him once more. when you exited, you passed right by joey who said a goodbye to you.

you gave him a smile.

"bye," you replied.

he tried to give you a brief kiss but as he went in to kiss you, you moved your head, causing him to kiss your cheek instead.

your eyes widened.

you had just screwed up.

check out parts two & four on ThunderAndRain 's book!!!!

treat people with kindness.


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