Chapter Two

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Peter began trudging down the stairs, heading to breakfast and then school. It had been a few weeks since Tony had asked about if Peter knew Spider-Man and recruiting him. So far, he hadn't said much else about it, which relieved Peter. He stumbled to the table, wearing his regular jeans and sweater outfit. He poured himself some cereal and began eating.

Steve and Tony came down soon after. "Morning Pete," Steve yawned, messing with Peter's hair. Tony said nothing and kissed Peter's forehead and grunted in greeting.

Peter smiled and ate, his parents joining. "Any plans for today?" Steve asked Peter, eating his cereal.

Peter shrugged. "Surviving through school. Might hang out with Ned. The usual." The 'usual' being getting into his suit right after school and swinging around the city. But of course, he wasn't going to tell them that.

Tony nodded. "Have fun. Don't do anything stupid."

Peter shook his head and clicked his tongue. "See, that's not really possible. I can't do both of those things." He picked up his bag and headed out after exchanging goodbyes with his dads.

He made his way to the school, it being not too far from his house. He did this every morning. He had a daily routine. Walk to school, suffer through the school day, go and fight crime as Spider-Man, go back home, homework, sleep, repeat.

He walked into the school, looking around at the usual spread of everyone there. MJ was there doing who knows what, Flash was tormenting practically everyone by just existing, and Ned was already at his locker.

The classes were pretty much the same the whole day, exactly how they were every day. Flash tormented him a bit, Peter told him to piss off, he did a test, same old same old.  Peter was a wonderful student, but he didn't care for school and it's tedious, repetitive schedule. Could you blame him? 

At the end of the day, Peter rushed outside. He went to his usual alleyway and, making sure no one was looking, he changed quickly into his Spider-Man suit.  He slid on his mask and attached his backpack to the garbage bin before swinging off into the city. 

Peter looked around the city as he swung.  It wasn't the most beautiful city, what with its air pollution and all, but hey, it was home. It gave him a purpose and he had friends here. He already knew that aside from the travelling he wanted to do in adulthood, he was going to live here his whole life.

He smiled under his mask and kept swinging and looking around until he crashed into a building.  "I'm okay!!"  He exclaimed. 

Peter continued to help the city for hours. He loved doing it. He never could help the Avengers unless it was from computers at home, and even that was rare, so this made him feel useful. He helped an old lady with directions and she bought him a churro.  He stopped a bike robbery.  Oh, and a bank robbery. Just the usual.

Whilst he was swinging, he heard a familiar noise from behind him.  The Iron Man suit.  It was still a ways away, which meant he had a bit of time before his dad found him and tried to get Spidey to join the Avengers.  He swung faster and faster.  He heard the suit getting closer.  He eventually stopped behind a building, hidden.  He heard the Iron Man suit fly by and gave a quiet sigh of relief. He wanted to be an Avenger. He really did. But that wasn't possible. Not yet, anyway.

He saw this as a sign to go home.  He swung over to his alleyway.  He went to grab his backpack but froze.  "Shoot," he muttered.  His backpack was gone.  That had his schoolwork and clothes in it. This was the fifth time this year.

He swung over to Stark Tower, sneaking in his window.  He crawled on the ceiling, trying to get over to his partially opened door.  He closed it and locked it before jumping down quietly.  He pulled off his mask and ran a hand through his hair before turning to face his bed. He was ready to just lay down and heal before going to dinner. 

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