Chapter Twenty-Six

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Everyone except for Clint, who was driving the jet, was waiting to jump out and find Ultron and The Cradle. Was Peter a tiny bit nervous about jumping out of a plane? Yes, yes he was.  But he'd live - hopefully.

Steve was the first to jump.  He was going to go see if he could find Helen Cho and The Cradle.  Everyone waited, tense.  Eventually over the earpiece- which Peter had been thankful to get.  If he was going to be on the mission, he was sure as heck going to need it - they heard voices.

"Dr. Cho!"  Steve exclaimed. 

"He's uploading himself into the body," Cho said, sounding like she was in pain.

"Where?"  Steve asked. 

There was a silence before Cho said, "The real power is in The Cradle.  The gem, it's power is uncontainable.  You can't just blow it up.  You have to get The Cradle to Tony." 

"First," Steve said.  "I have to find it."  Steve seemed to rush off from wherever he was.  "You guys copy that?"

"We did," Clint said, changing the direction of the jet.

"I've got a private jet taking off across town," Natasha said, at one of the computers.  "No manifest.  That could be him."

"There," Clint said, pointing at something out the front window.  "A truck from the lab.  Right above you, Cap.  On the loop by the bridge.  It's him.  You got three with The Cradle and one in the cab.  I could take out the driver."

"Negative.  That truck crashes, the gem could level the city."  Peter saw a figure below that most likely was Steve, climbing up a ladder to the loop were the lab truck was.  "We need to draw out Ultron."

Steve spent the next while fighting Ultron, everyone watching from the jet.

"Hey Spider-Crew, you're up," Clint said, looking back at Peter and Natasha, opening the hatch.  "Give him hell."

Peter nodded and looked at Natasha who had her motorcycle ready.  Clint lowered the jet over the road and they both left the jet, Natasha by motorcycle, and Peter by jumping out and then swinging. 

Peter went to the top of a building and looked around.  He spotted the truck and quickly headed in that direction.  His Pops definitely needed help. Ultron was too powerful to fight alone. Natasha was already on her way over.

Peter arrived at the truck and swung alongside it as his Pops and Ultron battled it out, looking for a way to help. Steve was fighting, shieldless. He saw Natasha coming from a side street on her motorcycle, shield in hand.

He might've swung beside the truck for a bit too long, because Ultron turned to him and shot at him. He yelped and jumped onto the top of the truck and out of the way.

He looked over at Steve, who was standing beside him. "Hey Pops." He looked over at Ultron on the other side of the truck. "Hey... bro? I mean, my Dad created you, so... half-bro?"

Ultron gave him a look. "You poor child," he said in his dry voice. "You think what you're doing is the right thing, but you're not even close. Though, I can't blame you. You were practically raised to do so."

"I'm not a child!" Peter exclaimed, his voice at that moment deciding to crack, causing Steve to chuckle. "And I know more about doing the right thing than you!" He shot a web at Ultron's hands, momentarily stopping him.

"Nice job," Steve said, adjusting his shield which Natasha had just thrown up to him. "Stay close."

Peter nodded and watched as Ultron broke free from the web. He lifted up a chunk of the road in front of Natasha, causing her to stop short and Peter to watch in shock.

"He's magic, now?!" Peter exclaimed. He kept shooting webs at him. "He already has got a witch on his team!"

Ultron looked back at Peter and Steve. He shot a blast at them, knocking them off of the truck and Steve onto a car and Peter to the ground.

Peter groaned and stood up. He gasped softly as Ultron moved the ground in front of them, making the cars flip. One headed in the direction of Peter. He tried to deflect it with a volley of webs. They just attached to the bottom and ultimately failed, and the car landed on top of him.

"Peter! You okay?" Steve asked over the earpiece.

"I'm fine," Peter groaned. Had it hurt like heck? Oh most definitely. But it hadn't been the full force and the webs had stopped some of it from hitting Peter.

He rolled out from under and stood up, sore as heck. "Ouch ouch ouch ouch," he muttered. He shook his arms and looked around. He saw his Pops gone and frowned.

"What's that you were saying earlier, Pops?" He muttered. "About staying close?"

He saw a train with a hole in the side and put two and two together. The truck should've been a few hundred feet away, but was gone. He looked up and froze. There was the back of the truck where the cradle had been, up in the air.

"Holy-" he cut himself off as he saw someone sliding out of the truck on some large thing... The Cradle.

"Aunt Natasha!" He muttered. He watched for a minute before seeing something in the corner of his eye.

Peter's eyes widened as he saw a robot flying towards Natasha.  "No!"  He yelled, shooting a web at the jet so he could get up to her, holding onto his sore arm. He swung to her and arrived just as the robot grabbed Natasha's foot.  Peter gritted his teeth and kicked at the robot.

His kick was half-successful.

He made contact with the robots arm, knocking the robots arm that was holding Natasha clean off.  Which now meant that Natasha was falling.

"Clint!"  Peter went to swing down and get her.  But suddenly, the one armed robot grabbed Peter around the waist.  Impacted by the force of being stopped mid-swing, he got the wind knocked out of him.

He heard Nat call, "Peter!" as Clint managed to catch her in the jet.  The robot flew Peter away. 

"Pops!"  Peter called breathlessly as the robot flew away with him.  He could hardly see where he was with how fast it was going.  He couldn't fight back either with the wind knocked out of him and the pain from having a car fall on him.

"Peter?!"  He heard Steve say over the earpiece, static ringing through it.  "Peter where are you, are you oka-"

The earpiece cut off as he was thrown into something.  He let out a shout as he hit his head against metal and blacked out.

A/N: Hey Guys! I just want to thank you so much for your support and the positive feedback this story has gotten! I hope you enjoyed this chapter!

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