Chapter Eleven

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Tony's eyes widened. His nightmare was becoming a reality. He couldn't let that happen. Peter and Steve were the things that kept Tony sane. If he lost Peter... He turned quickly to the other Avengers. "Call-"

"I already have," Steve said, tears steadily streaming down his face. His son... how could he have let this happen?

Tony nodded and took over CPR for Steve, in a panicked daze. Please, Pete, Tony thought. Don't go. Don't. We need you.

As the ambulance arrived, they took Peter, making Tony pull away and fall into Steve, hugging his husband tight.

The other Avengers stood back, unsure of what to do. They were as dazed as Steve and Tony. They couldn't believe this had happened to Peter.

"We- we should get to the hospital," Bruce suggested after a long while of them standing there in shock and panic.

Tony nodded.  He stood up and brushed the dirt off of his outfit.  He needed to stay strong.  He blinked back tears. 

"Tony?"  Steve said, standing up.  "Are you sure?  You-"

"I'll be fine," Tony snapped, looking away.  "Let's go.  Please."  He walked away, everyone staring sadly after him.


Once again, they sat in the hospital waiting room they had gotten so used to.  Tony was pacing, everyone else sitting down.

"Tony, please," Steve begged. "Stop pacing. Sit down. He'll be fine." He seemed to be reassuring himself more than Tony. "He'll be fine..."

Tony shook his head. "Why did I let him try to distract him?" He said through gritted teeth. "I should have just sent him back. Why on earth would Ned let him leave?"

"Tony, you beating yourself up about it won't help him," Steve said, standing up and walking over to Tony. He rested his hand on Tony's arm.

Tony jerked his arm away, surprising Steve. "It's my fault! I shouldn't have let him stay! Now he might be dead!" He slumped into a chair, fighting back tears.

Steve sat beside him. "Tony, he would've done it anyway. Do you think I don't feel the same way? He would have done this no matter what. You did not do this to him. Don't you dare think that."

Before Tony could say anything, a nurse came to them.  "Parents of Peter Rogers-Stark, I'm guessing?"  Steve and Tony nodded.  "Sirs, I'm sorry.  Your son is in a coma.  Whether he will wake up or not is unclear."

Tony felt nothing but emptiness as those words repeated in his head.  Your son is in a coma... whether he will wake up or not is unclear...  His mind was racing.

"T-Thank you," Steve said, in shock.  "Can we see him?"

The nurse nodded sadly.  "Yes.  Preferably only one or two at a time, please."

Steve nodded and stood up, offering Tony his hand.  "Let's see our son," he said, putting on a ghost of a smile. He needed to try to stay strong.

Tony hesitated.  "I don't know.  I shouldn't go.  With what happened last time..." Guilt was overcoming him.

"Tony, please," Steve said, taking his husband's hand. "That wasn't your fault. Come on Tony."

Tony took his hand away. "No!" He looked away. "I can't..." He wanted to see his son, but he couldn't bring himself to do so.

Steve went to say something, but Natasha gave him a look that said Give him time. Steve sighed and nodded. "Nat?" He said, voice tight. "Want to come with to see Peter?"

"Of course." Natasha stood up. She and Steve walked to Peter's hospital room. They slowly stepped into the room.

Steve stared at his son, trembling slightly. He looked somehow worse than before. He had burns and bruises covering his skin. He looked absolutely terrible.

Steve stood at the door, eyes widened. His son... broken and burned. He felt a wave of guilt crash over him. Natasha rested a hand on his arm and gave him a comforting look. He took a deep breath and walked over to the seat next to Peter's bed.

"Hey bud," he said quietly, knowing he probably couldn't hear him. "How you feeling?" He looked at the ceiling and let out a deep sigh. "Obviously not too well."

Natasha stood next to Steve's chair, leaning against the wall. She smiled sadly and looked down at Peter.

"We're very worried," Steve continued, leaning back and folding his arms, continuing to stare at the ceiling. "Your dad is really beating himself up about this. I'm very worried about him." Tears threatened to spill. "He loves you with all his heart. We both do."

Steve hunched over and held his head in his hands. "I don't know what we'd do without you. You're-you're what keeps us sane. I don't know what I'd do if you..." He shook his head. "Please come back, Pete. We love you. We miss you."

What Steve didn't know, was that Tony was inside the room, standing by the door. He had slipped in and Natasha, upon seeing him enter, snuck out. He held back tears and walked over to Steve. He rested a hand on Steve's shoulder, making Steve jump. He looked up at Tony and tried to give a faint smile.

Tony looked down at Steve and kissed his forehead, then looked at Peter. He was at a loss for words. It's not your fault, he tried to remind himself. It's not your fault. He sat down beside Steve and kept his eyes on Peter.

"He will wake up," Steve insisted quietly. "I know he will." He looked at Tony and took his hand, giving it a reassuring squeeze.

Tony nodded, wanting to believe it himself. They couldn't lose Peter. They wouldn't lose Peter. Not like this.

They sat there together, for who knows how long before a nurse came in, alerting them that visiting hours were over. They nodded and stood up. They looked at Peter once more before leaving the room, wishing they could stay there and be with their son until he woke up and assure him everything would be okay. But life doesn't work like that, does it?

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