Chapter Twelve

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It had been almost a week. They were losing hope. "He will wake up," Steve always reassured Tony and himself. But, with every passing day, he wondered more and more if that was really true.

Tony and Steve were sat in Peter's hospital room again. They hadn't slept in days. Well, more of they hadn't slept well in days.

Tony's nightmares had gotten worse. With Peter in a coma, his nightmares were already close to becoming a reality.

Steve hadn't slept for over an hour in the past week, worry keeping him up. And, knowing how bad Tony's nightmares were, he wanted - no, needed to be up to help him.

On his bedside table were little cards from some of his friends, the biggest one being from Ned, who felt very guilty about the whole thing. 

Ned had came by a few days earlier. He had apologized so much for letting Peter go to fight. And you can only imagine how hard it is to have to apologize to Captain America and Ironman for letting their hero son go fight with them. "He was worried for you guys!" He had told them. "He wanted to be there and to warn you!"

Steve assured him it was okay, Tony staying silent. "He would've found a way to do it anyways. It's alright, Ned."

Ned had thanked them and stayed for a while to drop of his card and see his best friend. He had left quickly afterwards.

Tony was accidentally starting to fall asleep, head on Steve's shoulder. Steve smiled softly and let his husband sleep on him.

After a while, he took in a deep breath and muttered, "Please come back, Pete. You're panicking us. We'll be... we'll be lost without you."

He looked down and sighed. He had to face it. His son was most likely gone, as much as he really hated to admit it. He let a tear fall and rested his hand gently on top of Peter's. "I'm sorry, Pete. This is our fault."

He stayed silent until he felt something that made him jerk his head up. He had felt Peter's hand move. He shook Tony awake.

"Woah woah woah! I'm up, I'm up," Tony said, surprised. "What is it?"  He looked around, worried.

"I think... I think Peter's hand moved." Steve bit his lip and looked at Tony, hoping he'd believe him. He wondered if his mind was tricking him. 

Tony sighed.  He wanted to believe Steve, but he couldn't. "Steve, I don't think so. We're both tired and Pete-"

But Tony cut himself off when he saw Peter's hands move more noticeably. He gasped softly and stood up. "Peter?"

There was a low moan and Peter's eyes slowly fluttered open. "Pops... dad?" He said, voice hoarse.

Tears came to their eyes.  "Oh Pete,"  Steve said, surprised.  They automatically attacked him with a hug.

"woah!  I love you guys, but - ow, ow ow."  He winced as they accidentally touched his bruises and burns.

Tony and Steve nodded.  Tony laughed softly.  "Sorry, Pete.  Gosh, thank goodness you're awake."  He wiped at his eyes.

Steve looked between Tony and Peter.  "I'll go get a doctor and let everyone know."  And with that, he left the room. 

Tony looked back at Peter, at a loss for words.  He tried to think of something to say.  What was he supposed to say?  So, how was your coma that happened because you're freaking Spider-Man?

Peter eventually spoke up, head down.  "I'm sorry.  I should have told you guys earlier.  And I should've just waited on the roof like you told me to.  I'm sorry I scared you."

Tony stared for a moment before speaking up.  "No, no, no Peter.  You shouldn't be sorry.  You were just trying to save the day.  Granted, you didn't choose the best way to do so..."  he looked at the ceiling and sighed softly.  "I'm just glad you're okay.  You had us really worried.  I don't know what we'd do without you."

Peter nodded, looking up at his dad.  He felt bad for having scared his dad and pops.  Guilt ate at him.

Tony came over to him and hugged him very gently.  "I love you, bud," he said quietly.  He was thankful that Peter was back and tried to ignore the guilt that still lingered.

"Love you too, dad,"  Peter said, smiling softly.

"Just promise me one thing?"

"Of course."

"Never do that to me and your pops ever again."

Peter laughed softly.  "I'll try not to."

"Try?  Nah, just don't do it."  Tony laughed.  He stood back up as a few nurses and the rest of the Avengers came in.  The nurses began fussing over Peter. 

Peter smiled wider upon seeing the other Avengers.  He sat up as best as he could with the nurses surrounding him.  "Guys!   Pops!"

"How you feeling, Peter?"  Thor asked, standing with the others in the back of the room.

"I'm doing okay.  How are you all allowed to be in here?  I thought only about two could come at a time?"

"Yes, usually," Natasha said with a grin.  "It did take a little convincing."  Peter thought he noticed her slipping a sharp object back into her pocket but decided to not say anything. 

"I'm just glad you're all here,"  Peter said, his voice still somewhat hoarse.  The nurses stopped fussing with him except for one who was just writing stuff down on a clipboard.

"And we're all glad you're okay."  Steve walked over to Peter's bed and hugged him gently from the side that the nurse wasn't on.  "That's all that matters."

And so they talked and talked for a while until the a nurse chirped in and said that Peter needed rest and everyone needed to leave. 

So they all left after saying various goodbyes.  They all had smiles on their faces, happy that everything had worked out.  Peter was awake, Carnage was behind bars - everything was okay.

But little did they know that their fight had just begun. 

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