Chapter Twenty-Two

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Peter put on a sheepish grin. "Hey..." He winced as Ultron tightened his grip on Peter's arm. Please don't cut my arm off, please don't cut my arm off, he thought.

Steve's face changed to a look of shock and horror - most likely Tony's too, but you couldn't see under the suit.  Steve nearly dropped his shield and seemed to say something into his earpiece.

"Peter?" Tony finally said, sounding panicked. "How did you get here? How did you get your suit!? Why-"

"Now, now, Stark. Please save the questions until after the show." Ultron tightened his grip even more, making Peter let out a small gasp. "Unless you want me to break your son before then."

"No one has to break anything," Steve said quickly, looking at Peter worriedly.

"Clearly you've never made an omelet," Ultron spat back at the group.

"Beat me by one second," Tony muttered, not taking his eyes off of Ultron and Peter.

"Ah, yes," the boy said, walking up so he was beside Peter. "He's funny."

Peter wanted to web that guy up like there was no tomorrow. He noticed the girl shooting him another glare and looked away.

"Mr. Stark," He went on, standing beside Peter. "It's what? Comfortable?" He looked down below them. Peter was shocked to see missiles on the floor below them. "Like old times?"

"This was never my life," Tony said, looking at the missiles below.

"You two can still walk away from this," Steve said, stepping forward so he was beside Tony.

"Oh, we will," the girl said. Nice accents, Peter thought. Russian?

"I know you've suffered-"

Steve was cut off by Ultron scoffing. "Captain America. God's righteous man. Pretending you could live without a war. I can't physically throw up in my mouth, but..."

"If you believe in peace, then let us keep it," Thor said, looking at Peter who gave an 'I'm okay' nod.

"I think you're confusing 'peace' with 'quiet.'" Ultron stepped forward, practically dragging Peter behind him.

"Uh huh, what's the vibranium for?" Tony asked, stepping forward as well.

"I'm glad you asked that," Ultron replied. "because I wanted to take this time me to explain my evil plan."

Upon finishing the last sentence, he seemed to pull Tony forward and robots began attacking the others. He shoved Peter over to the twins who then bickered about but I want to go kill Thor! No I want to kill Thor! before going to fight Tony.

Eventually, they shoved Peter into the metal arms of a robot before rushing off to fight. Everyone had begun fighting. Peter groaned before shaking his head, webbing the robots face and, before the robot could try to do anything else, flipped and kicked it in the face. He was about to rush off when the now crumpled robot grabbed his foot. He cursed and tried to get it off.

When he was about to web the robot again, a certain shield hit the robots arm, breaking it easily. Peter grinned and looked at his Pops.

"Thanks," He said, grabbing his mask from off the ground. "I'm sorry for sneaking here..."

Steve shook his head. "Fight now, talk later," he told Peter before going back to fighting.

The fighting went on for a while, and after a while, he noticed the witch girl using her mind magic on Thor, Steve and Natasha. They all seemed to be a bit dazed after that; especially Natasha, who had come in a different way. 

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