Chapter Eight

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Months ago, Steve and Tony were sat on the couch when they heard the door. Peter, no doubt, coming home from Ned's house. Though, it was very late.

"Pete?" Steve questioned, turning to face the door. But all he saw was Peter rushing into the hallway to his room.

"Sorry I'm late!" He called. His voice was a bit off, but they didn't fully notice. "Got lots of homework, love ya!"

Steve and Tony exchanged a look and Tony shrugged. Steve sighed and they both turned to face the Tv.

"Spider-Man has saved the day once again," The reporter said, the wide newscaster smile present on her face. "A monster known as Carnage has been disrupting the city's peace and has today been stopped by the Amazing Spider-Man. A terrible amount of damage has been caused by doing so, however."

The Tv switched to pictures of the city, showing the damage caused by Carnage and Spider-Man.  There were buildings cracked and what looked like smoke coming from a few. Tony shook his head. "That kid is too reckless. He's too eager. He is a good kid, but a little much."

Steve laughed and looked at his husband. "A little much? Really? You, Tony Stark, are calling someone a little much?"

"Oh?" Tony raised an eyebrow. "And what's that supposed to mean?"

Steve was cut off by the sound of crashing from Peter's room. Steve and Tony glanced at each other before rushing to Peter's room. Steve gasped softly when he saw Peter.

Peter was on his bedroom floor, clutching a leg of his bed. He had his head hung, but he was still visibly bruised and injured.

Tony knelt beside his son. "Peter?!" He asked, worried. "What's wrong? Steve, call 911. Quickly!"

"Dad," Peter said as his Pops dialed 911. "I'm fine. Really. Just a-" he cut himself off with a coughing fit. "Just a scratch or two," he said, voice slightly hoarse.

Tony shook his head. "Yeah, no. I don't believe that for a second, champ." He helped his son stand up, Peter mostly leaning on him. Tony lifted his chin so he could see Peter's face and gasped, seeing bruises and what appeared to be... burns? "Oh my gosh. What happened to you, Pete?"

"I-I got in a fight."

"That involved burns? How bad was this 'fight'? Who was this kid? You know what? We'll discuss this later. Right now, we're getting you to the hospital."

Tony couldn't believe this was happening.  His son had been injured this bad in a 'fight'?  He didn't believe it.  But he couldn't go and ask all those questions now when Peter was seriously injured. 

The ambulance arrived soon after.  They quickly grabbed Peter and took him away.  Tony went over and held a shaking Steve.

"Who- how did this happen?"  Steve asked, less directed at Tony and more at the universe.  "What happened?"

"I don't know, Steve," he replied, voice shaking slightly.  "I just don't know."  He let go of Steve and grabbed his keys and jacket.  "Let's go.  We need to get to the hospital."

Steve nodded and followed Tony, in shock. 

What had happened to their son?


They now sat in Peter's hospital room.  He was bruised and burned all over, breaking Tony and Steve's hearts. Peter was stable, but still in a lot of pain.

"What happened, Peter?"  Steve asked, the worry noticeable in his voice. "This obviously wasn't some school-kid fight, Pete."

Peter bit his lip. "I-I-I got caught up between Carnage and S-Spider-Man," he lied. "I was on my way back from Ned's, when... I ran into Carnage."

Tony gritted his teeth. "That son of a-" Steve glared at Tony, shutting him up. He cleared his throat. "How did you... did Spider-Man-"

"Spider-Man soon came around and swung me to safety. Once he was done with the fight, he swung me home."

"He waited until after the fight to bring you back? After? You were bruised and burned! You could have died!"

"Well, I mean, he was very busy, and he had to get Carnage defeated before he could make sure I got home or something," Peter said defensively. "You of all people should know that."

Tony raised an eyebrow. "Excuse me?" He sat up straighter.  "I-"

Steve shut him up again with a glare and a small kick in the leg.  "That doesn't matter right now. What does matter is that you're okay."

Peter nodded with a sigh.  "Yeah... How long did the doctors say I was stuck here for?"

"A few days, at least," Tony said.  "Can you blame them?  You're hurt pretty bad, bud."

Peter's eyes widened. "A few days? No."  What about being Spider-Man?  He couldn't do that in the hospital. 

"Oh?"  Steve said, chuckling softly.  "What do you mean no?  You got any plans?"

"I-I mean, I've got, um, school."  Peter winced at his poor excuse.

"I'm gonna pretend you didn't say that," Tony said, shaking his head with a small smile on his face.  "Come on, Pete.  You could use the break.  You've seemed very stressed lately."

You have no idea, Peter thought.  "Yeah, I guess you're right..." he sighed.  These few days were going to feel like forever.

"You'll survive somehow, I'm sure." Steve rested a hand very gently on his son's shoulder.

They talked a little for a while before Tony and Steve stood up, grabbing their jackets. "Love you Pete, but we gotta sleep. We'll be back tomorrow."

Peter nodded until something dawned on him. Has he remembered to put his suit away? "Wait!" He exclaimed, panicked.

Steve looked at him. "You okay? What's wrong?"

"Uh, um, I..." He vaguely remembered hiding his suit before collapsing. "I love you...?"

Tony glanced at him, slightly suspicious. "We love you too. Night, bud."

"Night dad, night pops," Peter said, laying back.

Once they left, Peter sat up and let out a sigh of relief. His secret was safe. For now, that is. Little did he know, his secret would be revealed to his parents, less than a year later. And the enemy he had just defeated would return, possibly stronger than before.

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