Chapter Thirty-Six

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Peter looked in his mirror, making sure he looked okay. He wore a dress shirt with a pair of black jeans. Looked okay to him.

Tonight was the party. Not only was it for Peter, celebrating his Avenger-ness, it was also for Thor leaving and Vision and Wanda - or, Scarlet Witch, joining the Avengers as well. It was pretty much for everyone. And Peter was fine with that.

Peter took a deep breath and walked out of his room, the group waiting in the Tv room for him.

They all looked up as he walked in. Steve and Tony were sitting on one couch, smiling as Peter walked in. Natasha and Bruce were sitting together on another, Wanda and Vision beside them, but not together... yet. Thor and Clint were on the third couch, both on opposite ends.

More people were coming later. A friend of his Pops named Sam Wilson, Ned, Rhodey, Maria Hill, and a few others. But, right now, it was just them.

"You excited, Peter?" Natasha asked, hand in Bruce's. They had been together almost since the attack on New York, but they weren't married. They didn't necessarily care about official things like that. Peter also had a feeling that the reason was that they were both afraid that if they did, Hulk or some alien or villain thing would show up, like at his Dad and Pops' wedding. Long story. Tell you later.

Peter nodded and sat in front of Clint and Thor's couch. "Yeah. I'm ready." He smiled.

"Glad to hear it," Bruce said with a nod. "They should start coming soon."

"While we have this time to ourselves..." Clint looked at the group. "Thor? You wouldn't happen to have Mjolnir with you at the moment, would you?"

"Why yes," Thor replied, setting the hammer down on the table. "Yes, I do."

"Great." Clint looked at Peter. "Lift it."

Peter began stuttering. "Oh, but, but you know- I tried, I'm not worthy."

"Come on, Pete," Tony said from the other couch, arm around Steve. "Do it. Maybe it's changed since then."

Peter had a feeling that his worthiness had changed since when it seemed easy to lift. Lots of things had happened. Things he didn't feel too good about it.

Peter sighed. "Fine." He walked over to the table and grabbed the handle, taking a deep breath before trying to lift it.

Peter's eyes widened as he lifted the hammer into the air. He looked at the group who looked less surprised and more amused.

"Ha! Knew it!" Clint yelled. "I told you he could lift it! Bruce, Wanda, ten dollars. Cough it up."

"You knew?" Peter asked, still holding the hammer.

"Well, it was kind of obvious at the party," Steve said with a shrug. "Apparently not to Bruce."

Bruce shrugged. "Sorry, Pete."

"No hard feelings," he said with a shrug in return. He looked down at the hammer in his hands. He still couldn't believe it.

"Holy sh-"

Peter turned to the elevator, where Ned was now standing. Ned's jaw was dropped.

"Peter, you're holding Mjolnir," Ned said, shocked.

Peter nodded, laughing a little. He set it down. "Heck yeah!" He went over to Ned, who was wearing jeans and a red polo. He gave him a high five and looked back at the chuckling group.

"Does that mean you rule Asgard?" Ned asked excitedly.

"Nooo," the group including Peter said. They looked at Peter, somewhat surprised at his answer.

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