Chapter Nineteen

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Peter looked at Tony, confused.  "Dad?"  What was this... thing?  It was obviously something his dad had made.

Tony stared at it, confused.  "Jarvis?"  He questioned, referring to his AI assistant.  No response.  He pulled a device out of his pocket. 

"I'm sorry, I was asleep," the robot said, jerking his head around, as if taking everything in.  "Or I was a- dream."

"Reboot Legionnaire OS," Tony muttered, tapping at the device in his hand.  "We got a buggy suit."

"There was a terrible noise," the robot continued.  "And I was tangled in... in... strings."  He processed to look around, now at his mangled 'body', wires and strings hanging from it.

Peter was confused.  Who was this guy?  His mind was racing.  He tried to think of where his extra web cartridges were as he stared at the robot.

"I had to kill the other guy."  Peter stiffened up upon hearing that the robot say that.  He killed someone?  There was nobody else in the building. "He was a good guy."

"You killed someone?"  Steve asked, not moving.  No one was.  Everyone was tense.

"Wouldn't have been my first call.  But, down in the real world, we're faced with ugly choices."  The robot seemed to focus his gaze on the Avengers, gaze lingering over Peter for a second longer than Peter found comfortable. Well, technically, him looking at Peter at all didn't make him comfortable.

"Who sent you?"  Thor asked from behind Peter. 

The robot played a piece of audio.  "I see a suit of armor around the world," it said in a way too familiar voice.  Everyone looked at Tony, all of them confused except Bruce.

"Ultron," Bruce said quietly, turning to Tony.

"In the flesh," the robot said, looking at Bruce.  "Or, no, not yet.  Not this chrysalis.  But I'm ready."  He looked back down at his form.  "I'm on mission."

Thor seemed to tighten his grip on his hammer and he thought he heard Hill ready her gun.  "What mission?"  Natasha asked.

"Peace in our time," the robot said plainly.  Then, suddenly, robots flew through the walls, charging towards the group. 

It was all a blur from that point on.  Thor was swinging his hammer around, hitting robots left and right.  Hill was shooting at them and people without were weapons were trying to fight back, some getting thrown to the ground. 

Peter rushed to his room, not thinking.  No, he was not hiding, though his dads might have wanted him to do so.  He dodged robots and people being thrown.  Right as he got to the hall, a robot met him.  He cursed and tried to fight his way past him.  He ended up sliding under the robot and kicking it in the back.  It went forward, seemingly unhurt.  Peter groaned and got ready to try to fight again when Mjolnir knocked the robot to the ground.

"Thank you!"  Peter yelled, rushing into his room. He went into one of his drawers and quickly located one of his web cartridges.  He worked on them as he ran back out and soon was shooting webs at robots, much to his dad and pops' surprise.  They were probably going to bug him about it later, but now, he was busy. 

Soon enough, there were no robots left, just their parts scattered on the ground.  Ultron stood in the same spot as before.

"That was dramatic," he said, looking at all the Avengers as they stood, staring and slumped against various surfaces.  "I'm sorry, I know you mean well.  You just didn't think it through."

He moved around as he continued, "You want to protect the world, but you don't want it to change.  How is humanity saved if it's not allowed to... evolve?"

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