Bucky to the rescue

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It was a day as every other and you were roaming the streets. The weather was extra bad and you would normally have stayed in your shelter but you hadn't eaten in days and your stomach was yelling at you to fill it.

The only good thing about the weather was that there were barely any people out on the street. They didn't like the rain either and so they stayed in their warm little houses.

They didn't know what it felt like to walk around with a sore stomach and painfully stinging paws. They didn't know what it felt like when your throat was drie as a desert and every step you took hurt like hell.

You lacked the energy to continue but still you went on because you had to and dying was not an option.

You often had felt like dying though. When hunger and thirst grew unbearable and the pain chewed at your bones. When the cold drained all the happyness out of you and the wind made it worse.

You knew what it was like to live on the streets and it wasn't half as romantic and nice as the people assumed it to be.

It was a nightmare, every single minute of it and you envied the cats you saw curled up inside of flats, complaining that their human hadn't fed them in two hours.

You really wanted to have a human for your own and you had tried to get one but humans are strange creatures and you have to be very careful if it comes to contact.

Some of them are dangerous. They kick at you and scream and try to hunt you away.

Some were kind hearted. They gave you food and pet you and showed you more love than you could expect.

Some were ignorant. They didn't care about you. They didn't see you or at least did their best to not see you.

Some shot you pitying looks but didn't do anything.

Others tried to catch you. But you were fast and you knew the streets well. You always found a place to hide. They never caught you.

You stopped walking in front of a busy road. Another disadvantage of a rainy day. The humans prefered to drive their cars and it was dangerous and difficult to get across the street without being run over.

You needed to get across this street though. The best food was to be found across it and you badly needed it. There was a pub and the people there gave you food and water if you begged for it.

You had once considered staying at this place. It was warm inside and dry and there always was food but there also were so many people who entered and left. It was too busy for you. You decided against staying. They still fed you though.

You didn't go there too often, only when you really needed it. You didn't want to bother the people too much.

With a low, pityful noise you went over to the traffic light. You didn't know how it worked exactly but you had watched people press a button and then the cars stopped. It was the only safe way across the street. You just needed someone to press the button.

So you sat there for about ten minutes but no one came.

The cars stank, the dust stang in your eyes and the noise was barely bearable but you didn't have a choice. It was an especially bad day for you. You had to get across the street without the help of this magical traffic light.

At the very moment you wanted to speed over the rough, hot and shaking surface of the street someone pressed the button. You froze in motion, not knowing what to do.

"Wanna cross the street, kitty?" , asked a male voice. You slowely turned your head. People who talked to you normally had good intentions.

The man had black, long hair that already touched his shoulders. It was glued to his head due to the rain. He was wearing a rain jacket but didn't carry an umbrella. Humans normally did so.

The cat of Bucky Barnes (Bucky x reader)Where stories live. Discover now