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You, if course, didn't die. You coughed and your eyes watered and you felt like throwing up and you gasped and panted but you didn't die.

When you finally felt that you could breath freely again your eyes were red and your throat felt sore.

"What the hell happened to me?" , you croaked. Being human did definately suck.

"You inhaled the drink. It got into your windpipe and your body did your very best to keep it away from the lung. The human body is very keen on keeping itself alive, you know" , explained Steve in a joking tone but you could see the worry which slowely faded from his face.

"So the human body decides to kill you through suffocating you to prevent a bit of liquid to reach the lung?" , you asked bewildered. You didn't get the use of this.

"Yes. If the liquid reaches the lung it is a perfect place for bacteria to grow and they don't need no invitation to do so. So they grow wildly until your lung is inflamed and you die eventually. To prevent this from happening the human body makes you cough the liquid out of the windpipe. So far, so easy" , said Steve, yawning.

"But, to be honest, I don't want to talk about the functions of the human body if it isn't really necessary. Let's talk about your life as a cat. Humans always wonder what ypu may be thinking. Some even say that your kind doesn't feel or think anyway. Do you?" , Steve seemed very keen to hear your answer.

You thought his qiestioning to be rather rude ans it didn't fit into the opinion you had of him. He seemed humble and friendly but, at the moment, his curiousity got the better of him.

"How can they even dream of saying we do not feel or think! If I look at your world and your society and all this I wonder who of us is the one who doesn't think! We never fight wars, just to kill. There is nothing else to achive with a war because the obly thing that will last forever is pain and guilt and loss and madness. Madness is something your kind seems very familiar with.

I mean, you do have shiny little coins and someone once said that they are precious and there you go, hunting those coins and dying poor deaths without them. The only thing we hunt are mice or birds and we do this because we feed on them. They keep us alive. You can't eat those coins, can you?" , you snapped, showing clearly what you thought about the human kind.

Steve stared at you, his eyes wide open.

"Whoever said that you don't think must be crazy. You seem to be even brighter than the normal human being.

"Those shiny coins you we're talking about are indeed the centre of the human race. It's live fighting for it or die without it. We call it money and it shall give us the possibility to trade something that has a fixed value that can't be doubted or change" , explained Cap, rubbing his hand through his blond hair. You didn't actually feel attracted to him, he was human after all and you were only wearing a costume after all, but you thought Bucky to be a ton more attractive. Not that it mattered, you were a cat, he was human and in love with this blond guy over there. But now you had the chance to stare at Bucky's body for hours without him noticing. You considered the thought.

You, standing in the bathroom, being Bucky, posing in front of the mirrow. Talking about bathrooms, you needed to visit your litter box. The problem was, that Bucky's body was to big to fit into one and there was none available anyway.

"Ehm... Steve?" , you asked. He had been busy petting the madly purring Bucky who was rolling on the ground, showing Steve his, your soft belly. How emebrassing. He acted like a she cat ready to mate. Frankly, this was what he was at the very moment. Steve looked up and stopped stroking Bucky who shot you an angry glance.

The cat of Bucky Barnes (Bucky x reader)Where stories live. Discover now