emergency at night

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It was dark when you woke but it didn't matter for you as you were a cat and a cat's eyes work quite well in the dark. The hot water bottle was still warm enough but had definately cooled down a bit. Bucky was gone, the couch was empty.

It was none of this that made you wake up. It was something else. Something that demanded your immediate attention.

Nature was calling.

After you had stretched properly you jumped off the sofa and started roaming the flat in search of a place where you could do what needed to be done. Your body wouldn't leave you too much time though. You needed to hurry. You needed to do it now.

There was a pot wih a half dead plant. Bucky didn't seem very good at taking care of plants and you just hoped that he was better a keeping a cat alive because you didn't feel the urge to die at the moment.

So you jumped into the pot and started digging because that's what a cat does before it ... well, you know what you were about to do. No need to describe it any further.

After you were done you carefully covered everthing with the remaining, wet earth.

Feeling relieved and adventurous now you decided to search for Bucky.

It wasn't a tough part, though. You didn't even enter the kitchen for you didn't expect him to be there. It didn't smell like fresh food. You also couldn't imagine him to have the urge to drown himself in this bathtub thing. There was only one more room left then.

The door was nearly closed, only a small gap was left through which you could slip into the room. It smelled all like Bucky in there. More than anywhere else in his flat. He seemed to spend a lot of time in here.

It was dark there, but you could see a thing that rememinded you of the sofa but it had a wooden frame too. It still seemed to be soft and you could see Bucky's sleeping figure on it. You could hear his breathing. Relaxed and rhytmical. It lulled you in and made you feel the urge to join him.

You hesitated though. There was no warm hot water bottle and no soft balnket. What if Bucky woke up and did regret letting you in? No, you wouldn't sleep next to him, but you could still jump onto this thing and take a closer look at Bucky. You had been hungry and dirty and wet when you first met this man and you didn't care what  he looked like. This didn't matter back then but now it did. Now you cared.

It's always good to remember what someone looks like in case you lose this person in public and have to find them between a whole bunch of strangers. This won't work out if you don't know their faces.

So you jumped onto Bucky's bed and felt somehow guilty doing so. This had to be his safe zone and it's not nice to invade one's safe zone.

When you are asleep you are vulnerable and weak and having lived on the street you knew how weak you were. You couldn't react in time to keep yourself safe.

The soft fabric gave in under your paws and you purred with pleasure. This was very nice and you overthought your decision about not sleeping here.

You slowely approached Buckys curled up body, at first you looked at his face.

It seemed peaceful. He was rather young, younger than you had expected him to be. He looked so pleaceful but there also was a sign of pain to be seen on his face. He must have been through things he couldn't forget. This made him special and this most likely was the reason why he had picked you up.

He had dark brown, nearly black hair that seemed soft and smelled nice. Just like the stuff he had spread on your back back when he had washed you. He had called it shampoo. It seemed to be a nice thing to have.

The cat of Bucky Barnes (Bucky x reader)Where stories live. Discover now