boyfriend approved

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You walked along the corridor, sniffing at every door but they were all closed. It smelled interesting though and there were things to be heard which you couldn't quite locate.

After you had checked on every door you got rather bored. There was nothing to do out here and no comfortable place to sleep at. So you went to the door during which Bucky had disappeared.

You meowed.

This was quite useful if it came to interacting with humans beings and they responded rather good to this method of gaining attention. On addition you scratched you left paw across the smooth surface the door was made of. It seemed to be glass, based on the way it felt and sounded to move across it but it wasn't clear.

You couldn't spend too much time thinking about the door as this very thing was being pulled open just seconds after you had asked to be let in.

Bucky grinned down at you.

"Wanna get to know the others, kitty?" , asked he. You murped, hoping this would be enough and walked into the room.

There were a few people there and they all stared at you. One of them was Mr. Stark who had greeted you and had to be threated with great caution.

There were five other people lurking around in the room. Only one of them was a woman. Two of the people in the room were blonde, one had brown hair and one black. The woman was red haired.

"Meow" , you greeted them. Seconds later the black haired man nearly threw himself upon you, started to pet you with such a passion that you couldn't do anything else but roll on your back and offer your vulnerable belly. You purred like crazy.

"Hello, kitty. I'm Bruce Banner" , he introduced himself with a hushed voice. It was barely audible over your strong purring and you had the feeling that he thought it to be embarrassing to talk to a cat. You didn't actually care though. He was good at petting.

"Hey, I want to pet it too!" , said the blond man with the long hair (Thor with long hair looks too awesome. I'll never accept that they have been removed). His voice sounded strong. You looked at him. Judging by the way he talked he was powerful and reckless but his soft smile destroied this impression immediately.

He pushed Banner away and gently rubbed his hand over you head. He acted as if you would be very fragile and he didn't really know what to do.

"I can not break it, can I?" , he asked while you pressed yourself harder against his hand.

"No, Thor" , laughed Bucky and Thor started to fondle you with a bit more force.

"I should bring Loki one of those! He would be so happy to have something to love. And he would not have to be emberassed" , stated Thor.

"It would be dead in no time" , doubted Stark, casually digging his fingers into my fur.

The black haired woman and the brown haired man didn't seem to have the urge to pet me and the blond man left watched the others pet me with some kind of love glittering in his eyes. You instantly knew that this had to be the real leader of this group and that he had to be the person Bucky had been talking about. The boy he loved.

It was unusual to have couples with only two men. You had seen couples consisting of man and woman only. You still didn't care. When they loved each other they should stay together. There was no problem at all.

With a disapproving noise you came to your feet and left Thor and Tony behind, approaching Steve, Bucky's love.

He looked at you, watched every move you made while you got nearer. He was judging you as you were judging him. Both of you thinking if the creature in front of you was good for Bucky.

The cat of Bucky Barnes (Bucky x reader)Where stories live. Discover now