more water, food and warmth

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"It's not the most beautiful flat in the world and it is rather small but I made the best out of it and it is warm and provides shelter. It should be enough for the two of us" , stated Bucky while he took off his soggy jacket.

You just stood there and stared at eveything in awe. There were things you never had seen before.

There was a big thing made out of fabric. You had never seen such a thing on the streets but it looked very comfortable. You slowly approached it.

"Oh! Wait, kitty! You're wet and ... well... dirty. I think you will hate this but I will give you a bath and then I'll dry you. If you plan to stay with me until after the rain you'll have to be a bit cleaner than this. WAIT! DO NOT JUMP ONTO THE SOFA!"

His yelling made you freeze. He sounded rather dangerous when he yelled. You felt insecure. Maybe it was a bad idea to follow this guy into his flat. But he had seemed so friendly.

The once friendly man grabbed you. Not in a rough way. Rather gentle but still with some certainty.

You meowed but didn't try to fight him because there was no sense in trying to. You were cold, even though it was warmer in here than outside. You could feel the cold metal arm of Bucky at your left side. It worked as well as his real hand.

Bucky carried you into another room which was all white and rather clean. There was a big tub. He placed a soft towel there and then he placed you on the towel.

"Into the bathtub you hop" , he said and grinned, "Don't look at this thing as if it's a snake. It's a showerhead, it won't kill you."

Then he took the showerhead and held it over your back. You suspected evil. Then Bucky made it rain onto your back. You jumped in horror and tried to climb out of the tub.

"Stay in there, folk! Don't try to escape or I will have to put you back outside. You don't want this, do you?" , laughed Bucky and pushed you back onto the towel.

You gave up your resistance. You couldn't get any more wet! You were soakes completely and this water was at least warm. So you stayed moveless and let the warm water run over your body.

After some time you actually started to like it.

"God damn it! You're dirty!" , mumbled Bucky and started to massage your lean body. This made you feel something you hadn't ever felt in your life. It was nice and you could feel you muscles relax.

"I'm sorry, kitty, but I need to put some shampoo on your fur. I can't get all the dirt removed when I don't use more powerful things than just water. This dirt has been there for too long" , he said and reached for the thing you expected to be the mentioned shampoo.

You expected the worst. But Bucky just added some creamy stuff to your pelt and continued massaging you. You closed your eyes and purred with affection. This man had magical hands, even though one of them was made out of metal.

After a while he stopped his gentle stroking and nice kneading. He showered you with warm water again and then he just stopped.

You meowed in protest.

"You did enjoy this, didn't you?" , asked Bucky and laughed. You purred in agreement.

"Well, now you are as clean as you can get" , said the man with the metal hand and took another towel. He wrapped it around your fragile body.

"You are indeed very thin, kitty! I could feel every single bone of yours when I washed you! You really need some food, but first I need to get you dry" , mumbled Bucky.

Then he started rubbing you with the towel which felt rather strange but okay.

"You are not dry enough!" , he observed and reached out to pick something up. A device of some kind but you didn't know what it was exactly.

The cat of Bucky Barnes (Bucky x reader)Where stories live. Discover now