A yelling man, a typing cat

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You woke to terrible pain and the feeling that something was different.

"urghhhhh!" , you moaned, trying to move. It made the pain even worse. Bucky purred right next to you. He seemed very amused. His eyes clearly showed one message: I told you.

"God damn it! Does it always feel like this when you get up in the morning. Being human sucks" , you hissed, throwing a pillow at Bucky the cat who simply dived out of the way and purred even louder.

You rolled out of bed and stumbled.

"What the hell is going on in my pants?" , you demanded to know. Bucky hissed and jumped in front of you as you made for the door.

"What's your problem again, kitty?" , you sighed. What else was there to do? He had claws which could easily slice your legs open and that wasn't exactly what you wanted to happen. Someone knocked at the door.

"Bucky, are you there?"

Steve. You walked around the paralized Bucky and pressed the door handle.

Bucky was no longer paralized and duck his claws into your leg. You cried and kicked in Bucky's direction but didn't hit him.

"What is your god damn problem, cat? I liked you a lot more when you were the human and I were the cat! Let the hell go off my leg! Look! Now it's bleeding! BUCKY!" , you cried, watching the blood as it ran down your leg.

"I see the two of you manage quite well... May I come in?" , you heard Steve's voice from the other side of the door.

"I recommend to get yourself some weapons before you get in here. Just in case you care about staying alife. If not, just come in" , you said. Steve laughed.

"Bucky would never hurt me, would you pal? Remeber, till the end of the line!" , said Steve and pressed the handle. You could hear and see it. Bucky froze, his teeth in your leg.

"No you have a new victim! Let go off me, beast" , you growled. When Steve stuck his head into the room Bucky let go and jumped. You didn't have time to react. Suddenly Bucky dug his claws into your belly. Deep. It was a lot more painful then at the leg. It seemed that humans, as cats, were a lot more sensitive at their belly. Not that this information changed anything. The pain was still very real and very bad and you were very angry.

"BUUUUUCKYYYYY!" , you yelled, surprised at how loud Bucky's voice could be if you just pushed hard enough. Bucky the cat, who normally owned this voice was well aware of the emotions it needed to trigger it and despite the fact that he seemed desperate to cover your pants he let go and ran faster than you had ever seen him run. It was panic driving him and he was well off with this panic. He went into hiding right behind Steve's leg.

"BUUUUUUCKYYYYYYYYY!" , you yelled again, just for the effect and because yelling released even more anger. And you had thought all of it had already been full in action.

"Woooooooah!" , said Steve, stretching his arms in front of him in the desperate try to hold you back.

"Did you ever have a cat's claw in your belly? No? Two of them? No? Well, then DON'T YOU DARE TO STOP ME FROM TAKING MY REVENGE! Believe me, it's bloody painful!" , you cried. You were quite determind to do whatever had to be done.

"Okay, but how exactly do you plan to take revenger?" , asked Steve. You hadn't excatly thought this through but you hadn't expected Bucky ripping your belly open either, which was bleeding heavily, by the way.

"I don't know, but believe me, it will be painful for him" , you promised, taking a step towards him. You could hear his little, desperate meow. Coward.

The cat of Bucky Barnes (Bucky x reader)Where stories live. Discover now