the vet betrayal

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He had bought you a box. He had filled it with sand. He expected you to use this thing as your toilet.

"Look, now you don't need to use my flower pots to.. you know..." , he had told you proudly. You had looked at him with the smallest sign of disgust.

Why was he allowed to use this clean, white thing made of porcelain. It even looked a bit like a throne. This wasn't fair.

You decided to not use your litter box until you couldn't hold it back no longer.

You didn't blame Bucky too much though, as he had also bought this cat tree, a pillow and a blanket only for you, a food bowl and a water bowl, toys you didn't actually need but it was all about the gesture and food. A lot of it.

You slept on your hot water bottle blanket heap again this night and you woke again in the middle of the night. Now you didn't waste a single second with disliking the box and the sand but used it and curled up on your heap again afterwards.

Bucky woke you in the morning.

"Hello, princess! Time to get up, we do have a vet appointment. I'm sorry but I don't have no time for this tomorrow and so they said that we shall come over as soon as possible today" , he explained but you were still tired and so you didn't actually listen.

Bucky fastened the harness around your chest and then he carried you out of the flat. You hadn't noticed that he was completely dressed already.

As soon as the fresh, cold air of the city hit you you woke completely and let your (e/c) eyes wander around.

Bucky got the two of you a taxi and explained this with the words: "I've been talking to Stark yesterday and he paid for all your things. This doesn't actually make us have more money but it feels like it and that's why we take the taxi now."

You actually didn't care why you took a taxi. You had never been inside of one and it was very exciting for you to stare out of the window and watch the city fly by. It was amazing and mind blowing.

It indeed was very interesting what human beings were capable of. It wasn't that you badly needed cars. You had been fine without them. They even had been a threat to you as you could easily get killed by one of them. You had kept as much distance between yourself and cars as possible to keep yourself safe and now you sat inside of one and stared out of the window.

The cars seemed to have more rules than only the traffic lights but you didn't understand them. You didn't need to though. You were too small to control one of those things. You were fine with walking.

When the car stopped, Bucky handed the driver some money and you recognized it to be the coins the homeless begged for. The stuff humans seemed to build their lives upon. They were small and didn't look too important but still the humand race seemed to place them even above love and health. 

Bucky carried you out of the car and into a building that smelled like hygiene and fear. You didn't feel too comfortable at this place but you stayed calm because Bucky was here and Bucky would keep you safe.

Bucky sat down on a white chair in a room with many other white chairs and other people with cats or dogs or other animals. There also were plants and windows and a lot of magazines. You couldn't read and therefore weren't too interested in them.

You just sniffed at them a bit and then you curled up on Buckys lap, waiting for something to happen.

You had to wait a long time, it at least felt like it. You weren't particularly good at measuring the time and you actually didn't care about it. It wasn't important to you because time didn't matter.

The cat of Bucky Barnes (Bucky x reader)Where stories live. Discover now