Bucky needs you

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A few days had gone by since the vet incident. You had ignored Bucky during this time to punish him for his betrayel and he had drowned you in excuses and treats. The problem was that he was all sweet and it was hard to ignore him, even after he had brought you to the vet once again and she had pushed needles into your body again.

Vaccinations had she called it. You called it torture but who cared about your opinion. Exactly, no one.

It was during a stormy night when you forgave Bucky.

You had been sleeping on the couch ever since, even thoigh Bucky had given up preparing hot water bottles for you ignored them ever since the visit at the vet's.

You were okay with sleeping on the couch but you kind of missed the warmth of the bottle and woke often during the night.

Todays night was a stormy one. Raindrops hit the window hard and your eyes snapped open. At first you thought it had been thunder you had heard and lowered your head again. Thunder was nothing to worry about.

As you closed your eyes again there was a loud, desperat cry and you lifted your head again. This came from within the flat.

Jumping to your feet you listened. There it was again, a cry for help. It sounded lonely and broken and it came from within Bucky's room.

The door was open, as always. You had the feeling that Bucky always wanted you to sleep next to him but you didn't as some sort of punishment.

Now was deep at night and Bucky normally was fast asleep at this time. You carefully slipped into the room and you sneaked in the direction of the bed.

Bucky let out another cry and you jumped in shock. Then you climbed onto the bed and stopped right in front of Bucky's face.

It was wrinkled with fain and water escaped from underneath his closed eyelids. His mouth was half open, ready for the next yell. His fists were clenched and he seemed rather stiff.

You knew the water thing. People called it crying and they did it in a wide range of situations. They did it when they were very sad, fearful, angry or even happy.

Bucky seemed fearful. What should you do?

Another yell cut through the silence and into your flesh like a razer sharp dagger and you flinched.

You needed to comfort him. What were the things he liked? He loved it when you pressed your body against his legs and purred like crazy but he wouldn't feel this now.

Maybe he was trapped in a nightmare. In this case you needed to wake him up. But this was easier said than done. You didn't want to hurt hom for he seemed to be hurting already.

You decided to lick his face.

With gentle, fast moves you remoced the salty tears from his beautiful face. This didn't wake him but it calmed him down a bit for his face seemed calmer now.

You started to purr and curl up against his chest, feeling his fast heartbeat calm down. After a while he started to move and the tears started to fall faster. You hastily tried to lick all of them up.

"Kitty?" , asked Bucky. He had decided to not give you a name. Kitty was perfectly fine for you too.

"Murp?" , you ask, gently pressing your face against his.

"Thank god you're here" , he whispered. Of course you were here. He needed you.

"I hate being alone, you know? I hate waking from these nightmares and knowing that they are my past. Wanna have some tea?" , he rolled over in the bed and got up. You had already tried tea through sipping a tiny sip but you didn't like it. Especially because it was hot as hell.

The cat of Bucky Barnes (Bucky x reader)Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon