Chapter 29: Christen San Diego

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"They probably went to the park near here. It's about 3 miles away," he said clearly, and putting his car into reverse. He quickly backed out of his driveway, and kept his hand on the gear shift as he circled the neighborhood on his way to the park.

When we finally arrived, the girls were nowhere to be seen.

"Okay. Okay. Now would be a great moment for sudden twin powers," Nick said, nervously.

"I don't think you need magic powers to know your sister," I suggested. Nick sat back and sighed.

"You're right. I know Christen better than Christen knows Christen. She hasn't been kidnapped or anything crazy like that. She carries a gun, and she's a fighter, I tell ya."

Nick took a deep breath.

"Well, the worst is ruled out," I responded.

"She's wherever Fiona is. Knowing where Fiona is...well, then you're playing Where in the World is Carmen San Diego? Which is shockingly more difficult when Carmen is an android. Did I drag that analogy out for too long? Obviously. Does it matter? Not at all," Nick said, mostly to himself.

He thought for a moment before becoming relieved. "I know where she is...but you can't come," Nick said.

"Why?" I asked.

"There' way they would trust you," Nick began. "You can walk home right?"

"Of course," I answered. I climbed out of the car and waved goodbye to him.

They? Who's "they" and why won't "they" trust me? I hurried back to Lance's place to investigate. It's some place where Fiona goes. I head directly up to her room, and open up the door. Since I had last came to her room, it's changed quite a bit. The wall to the left is covered a gigantic mural, painting the image of a drop of water hitting a pond. It's made of many shades of blue, but it's been covered in obsessive writing. Writing that just says "rA9." The right wall is covered in the phrase "rA9 will save us." The wall in the middle, has the phrase "Markus will save us," scrawled across half of it. The other half reads in gigantic letters "JERICHO." She has white paint out though. It seems like she's going to try and cover it up.

Who's rA9? Who's Markus? Who's Jericho? This is all...overwhelming. I need to go find Connor. Maybe he has an idea.


He's across town? I'm starting to understand why humans hate leaving out repeatedly. I call for a self driving taxi and end up at a bar. It's 9:00 at night, and if I'm correct it seems as though Lieutenant Anderson has again found a way to drink himself until he passes out.

I walked in slowly. "Jesus, he has a counterpart," the bar tender said immediately. I take it Connor is here. The bar tender looked at me.

"Which drunk, passed out, cop are you looking for?" He asked.

"Lieutenant Anderson," I responded.

"Are you his golf caddy or something?"

"No. I actually just need Connor."

"Is that what that prick calls himself? Whatever. They're over there," he said gesturing to the back of the bar. I walked to the back, where Connor immediately saw me turn the corner. He stood up quickly.

"Excuse me, Lieutenant," Connor said walking towards me quickly. The Lieutenant turned around to see who Connor was going to.

Connor looked me up and down. "Why are you here?" He asked, kindly. I looked at him.

"You've fixed yourself up," I noted. His tie was crooked, so I reached up and adjusted it for him.

"I went directly to Cyberlife after I left," he explained. He extended his arm, turning off his skin in the process. I responded by doing the same.


"Jericho," Connor mumbled. "I've heard it before. It's place...not a person."

"And Markus. Markus is the android who gave the speech. Is he rA9?" I asked.

"It's a theory I've had," Connor answered. "Who's this Fiona?"

"She's the Lance's deviant. I can't get rid of her or even interview her. Nick would be incredibly upset."

"I understand," Connor answered. I went to go leave when Connor stopped me. He grabbed my shoulder.

"If you don't have anywhere to can stay here with us."

"What? Do you want me to stay here and entertain you?" I joked.

Connor smirked. "I won't make you stay if you don't want to."

"I have a...presumption that we won't have much free time starting tomorrow."

"The deviants are growing in numbers. I would say that too," Connor responded.

"Then...I'll stay."

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