Chapter 33: BDN

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Thank you guys so much for the feedback in my author's note! It really helps! You guys have one more chapter coming today, so...stick around!


A few hours passed and the Deputy didn't get up till 8. Christen got up at around 7 in the morning and made me a tea. This time it was Strawberry Ginger...I didn't really like it, but nevertheless I drank it...because dislike is an emotion, and I liked the feeling of having it. So, I suppose that means that I technically enjoyed the tea.

When the Deputy woke up, he was not as energetic but just as silly.

"Margot is still sleep, right?" He asked, brewing himself a cup of coffee.

"Yeah," Christen answered, sipping the tea.

"Great because...I have something important to say," Lance said sighing.

"What is it, Nick?" Christen asked kindly.

"Fuck me in the fucking ass. I am about to lose my fucking mind," he announced.

Christen looked shocked for a moment, but then remembered who she's talking to.

"Okay, Nick," she said sipping her tea again. "What's wrong?"

"I'm just stressed," he said relatively calm.

"Is there any way I can help you, Deputy?" I offered.

"Yes," he said, before thinking for a moment. "Instead of calling me Deputy, call me Big Dick Nick."

Christen sighed deeply. "Every single day I become more confused as to how we're related."

"I'm confused," I said quietly. "Am I supposed to call you Big Dick Nick Nick Lance or just Big Dick Nick?"

"Yes," he answered simply.

"He's kidding, Charlotte," Christen explained.

"Oh," I responded. Nick chuckled, and the coffee maker beeped. He poured himself a cup and began drinking it black.

"Sorry, sorry. I forget that you're a bit naive," Lance said, taking a big sip of the coffee.

I sipped on my own tea a bit.

"Do you know what I think about a lot, Christen?" He asked turning to his sister.

"If you're going to say 'how gay I am' just say it," she ordered him. He shook his head.

"Actually, I felt like just telling you a story," he said simply.

"Oh dear God," Christen said sipping her tea. "I love you, Nick, but please don't."

"No, like a real story. Not a joke," he explained, near begging. "The other day, I'm taking Margot home from school. The radio is on, and I have it set to pop music. Fucking My Chemical Romance comes on-"

He was interrupted by a gasp from Christen. "MCR?" She asked excitedly.

"Thought you would like that part. Anyway, Margot goes 'Nicky, why are they playing old people music?' and I fucking lost it," he said, cackling.

"I thought I raised my daughter to like good music," Christen whispered. That only made Nick laugh harder.

"Then-Then," Nick began, wheezing. "I asked her if she liked it. She said ' sounds like that Britney woman.' and by now I'm just rolling. She said an MCR song...sounded like Britney Spears."

"I'm so preturbed," Christen mumbled sipping her tea. Nick was still laughing very hard, which eventually wore Christen down until she was laughing. Eventually they both calmed down, and as soon as he could, Nick downed his coffee.

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