Chapter 84 - Stilettos

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When I left Jericho, I didn't necessarily expect to be completely naked in an alleyway, but here I am. I suppose the only thing really making this less terrible is that I'm doing it for a cause. That cause being catching a serial killer, so my job is pretty great. 

"Clothes off?" Nick called with his back turned. 


He threw me a new set of clothes, and I pulled them on. I almost forgot we were entering a nightclub, so the slinky red dress and red high heels almost threw me off guard. That makes two of my undercovers involving me looking nearly indecent. The dress was oddly tight and oddly loose in very strange places, while the shoes were so high, I could almost look Connor directly in the eyes. They were stilettos none the less, which are the most anxiety-producing of shoes.

"Alright. I guess I'm okay. Are you in dress code?" I asked, confused. Nick's usual t-shirt and jeans probably won't fly at a nightclub with a cover fee like this.

"It's a gay club, and I'm hot and young. Someone will probably pull the clothes off of me anyway," Nick sighed.

"If you don't mind my asking...what is my goal in here? The killer is not a lesbian," I questioned.

" case I run into him, I would love to survive," Nick sassed back.

"Ugh. You. Survive?" I complained. Nick rolled his eyes again, which I take must be his new favorite thing. 

"Don't forget," he ordered me. "I'm Oliver Chasten. You call me Ollie."

"Alright, and I'm Harper Port, yes?" I offered.

"You really can't forget that, Bolts. 'Oh, hey there pretty, what's your name?' and then you go 'Oh uh....cha-charper port. Charper Port...yes.' I really cannot afford that," Nick sighed.

"I won't."

"Alright. C'mon, Charper," Nick smirked, and we left the alleyway. I followed close to him, and as we got to the bouncer, he looked fairly confused at us. 

"Oh. We're not straight," Nick explained. The bouncer nodded, and Nick paid the cover fees. We walked into the nightclub, which was fairly lax. Many people were dancing, but many more were surrounding the bar. 

"I'm surprised this place is still open. There's not too many of these anymore," Nick explained. "They've fallen out of fashion."

"There are 5 in Detroit," I explained to him.

"So there's a 20% chance our guy is here," Nick explained. 

"I thought this was the place?" I asked, confused.

"No...all of the victims barhopped with no predominant last stop...except you know...dying," Nick explained. 

"Alright. Talking profile, we're looking for a young, edgy dude. He has high intelligence, and great charms," I explained.

"So, I guess my goal then is to talk to as many guys as possible tonight. Sounds like my early 20s, just about," Nick joked, before running directly into the crowd. I need a vantage point to see him interact. See if I can notice anything strange, and help him if anything goes wrong. I strolled around, going deeper into the club, before finding a set of stairs. Taking them up, I figured out I fit right in. The upstairs was a more female location. I approached the balcony, where I was just barely able to spot out the shaggy blonde dog that is Nick. He appeared to really be going for it, talking to at many different guys at any given moment, just trying to figure out which one gave him the wrong impression.

Before realizing how much I stand out just leaned against a balcony staring at a group of gay men while in a lesbian club, someone else pointed that out for me. 

"You're an android," She said softly. 

I turned around, and there was this blue haired android. 

"My name is Traci," she said. Her hair was bright blue. This is the android Connor spared. Her girlfriend must be around here too.

"Yes...I am," I answered, turning back towards Nick.

"You're looking for someone," she said yet again.

"Does it matter?" I offered.

"Not really. Just thought you might like some help," She asked.

"And if I told you that I'm not looking for someone, but rather watching someone?" I asked.

"I would tell you that I know that you're watching someone to find someone," She answered. Suddenly, another Traci walked up right behind her. This must be her girlfriend.

"Cut the bullshit. We know about all the undercover cops here. They're so easy to identify by their android pet that is always watching them," The other Traci said clearly.

"It doesn't matter. We're not here to bust underage drinkers or even the drug users," I answered. 

"This time, at least," The blue haired Traci asserted. 

"What do you want from me?" I questioned. 

"Nothing. What you need from us?" The brown haired Traci asked.

"Have you seen any men who consistently find someone here? So off the walls charming that no one can deny them?" I asked.

"You mean half the guys here? Yeah," The brown haired Traci asked giggling. 

"I mean...first person they talk to they could charm easily. They seem to pick out someone before they're even completely in the door. They already have their heart set on someone, and are talking to them."

"That narrow it down," The blue hair Traci mumbled. 

"There's someone here. Someone who is undeniable," I explained. "But you still get a bad feeling about them. You mean to tell me that there is no one here who fits that description?" 

"Sure. There are a few. Maybe 5 or 6 guys?" The brown haired questioned.

"Here. Transfer your memories of them," I said extending my arm, deactivating the skin there. She sighed and extended her arm, connecting with mine.

Transferring memories...

Cross-examining memories with Detroit Police Logs...

All 6 individuals identified.

"Thank you," I said removing my arm, and turning back to look at Nick. I need to talk with him about each of these. Maybe...we have a lead...

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