Chapter 76 - The Third Element

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Now...listen closely. I never quite expected to feel so automatic, but I do. Was deviancy supposed to be easy? I don't know...fuck!

As if on cue, it started to rain. Not snow, but rain. January in Detroit and it's raining? Global warming, I guess.

I don't know what to do. I'm just wandering. How can an android be lost? How can they not know what to do? Maybe I'll just freeze where I am and look around...

Okay, across the street from me, there is a strip club. Up the street from me are...bars? And I am directly in front of...a nightclub.

Of course my programming automatically dragged me to the Red Light district. I'm not sure it would know any other place to go. I think Doctor Lance would call this an error, but I would like to call it something else. I'm not sure what exactly, but something else.

Anyway, this is not the best place to be when you're an android. I'm also making myself a bit more obvious by lacking a hand. Jericho is too far to walk. I'll have to take a taxi.

The moment it arrives, I can see that there is someone already in it. I open the door.

"Hi, Connor," I sigh, climbing in.

"I saw you called a taxi, and chased it down," Connor said, calmly.

"Of course you did," I mumbled.

Connor took my hand in his. "Listen, Charlotte-"

"I really can't do any more of that. I'm sorry," I responded. Connor's LED flashed red, but he gave me a soft smile anyway.


Connor and I arrived at Jericho, and I stepped out and immediately headed into the hospital. Connor followed and it only took a moment for Christen to wander out of a room.

"Oh! Hello, Charlotte," she said walking towards me. I took my hand out of my pocket immediately. She stared for just a moment.

"Well," she sighed, pulling back her hair. "Let's get a move on."

I followed her into a small room, where I sat down on a small chair. Doctor Lance pulled up a table and a seat. She placed my hand on the table. Meanwhile, Connor pulled up a seat next to me. Doctor Lance took out a small soldering tool and began to work at my hand.

"So...what exactly happened?" She asked, fairly confused.

"I'm not sure either," I answered sighing. Christen gave a confused expression.

"Oh, police business," Connor continued. Doctor Lance still looked confused.

"I've done plenty of research, Charlotte. I can see burn marks on an android," She responded.

"It was nothing," I answered. "Please don't worry about me."

Christen sighed, but continued to pull together all of the loose ends. Eventually, all of my wires were back in place. All I need now is some skin.

"I've got some patients to attend to, but Fiona is going to help you."

Fiona strolled in and stood at the doorway. She had with her an entire case. Doctor Lance nodded at Fiona before walking out. Fiona sat down across from me and opened up the case.

"We haven't spoke much," Fiona remarked searching the case. Connor turned to me. I suppose he really hasn't heard Fiona speak either.

"I suppose not," I answered quietly.

"Well, I don't hate you. I'm just quiet," Fiona said, taking out the replacement. She calmly placed and snapped on a new hand.

"Test it out," she ordered me. I did so, and the hand did indeed work despite distinctly not having burn scars on it like my lower arm. It's not a problem, I just don't match well.

"Perfecr," Fiona said standing up, and approaching the door. "Oh, and Charlotte?"

"Yes?" I answered.

"Thank you. For helping Margot, that is," she said, giving me a soft smile and leaving.

I AM (Connor X OC) - DBHHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin