Chapter 60 - Christmas Part 4

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"Bolts! Bolts! Psst! Wake up!"

Oh my God, is he actually 7?

"Nick, I'm awake...what's up?" I asked.

He immediately jumped out of bed and ran over to my cot. "It's 3am."

"I know..."

"We have to start Christmas dinner!" He announced. He pulled me up, and to my surprise, he actually had something on other than a black shirt. He had on a Christmas sweater, and pajama pants. Wait...I'm not surprised. This is Nick Motherfucking Lance we're talking about here. He doesn't take anything lying down. Including Christmas.

He pulled my arm and led me down the stairs. Out of the fridge, he pulled out...a lot.

"Were making cookies!" He cheered, before realizing he was so loud, he might wake everyone up. "Grab me a bowl. We're using my mom's recipe."

I looked in the cabinets till I found a rather large bowl. Nick quickly threw unmeasured amounts of ingredients into the bowl. Then, while looking me in the eyes, he poured an entire container of sugar into it.

"Nick...isn't that a bit much?"

"Hasn't been for the past 4 years," he said, shrugging. He quickly handed me a spatula.

"Now mix it," he explained to me. "Mix it like...oh god...I can't think of anything that's not incredibly unhelpful. Just...mix it."

I smiled a bit at Nick's struggle and began to mix the ingredients. I quickly saw Nick take out several pie shells. "We're making PIES!" He announced.

"Nick...theres only 3 humans in this entire house. How many pies do you need?"

" haven't had Christmas dinner with the Lance's yet. I'm sorry to tell you but...this is war," Nick said looking down. "We're good cooks. A lot of people know that."

I raised my eyebrows a bit confused.

"Lets just say that we won't be eating or opening any gifts until at least 5. We will also have a lot of trash!" He said smiling. We took the cookie batter and made around 10 dozen cookies with the copious amounts of ingredients Nick had used. With each set of 4 trays taking around 20 4:30am, we had about 300 cookies in front of us.

Nick looked at me intensely. "Now, it's time to crank up the heat." He turned the temperature of the oven way up, and placed 4 turkeys into his oven.

"These will be ready around 8, and we can start plating by then," Nick said sighing deeply. He quickly handed me 4 bags of potatoes out of his pantry.

"Okay...peeling time." 

He took out two peelers, and we sat down and got to work. Can I just say...I still have no idea what's happening? About halfway through, Nick realized he had forgotten about the pies and started filling each one with raspberry filling. He placed two inbetween each set of turkeys, and sighed deeply.

"Okay...this will be fine!" He told himself. It was only at around 5:15am that we had finished peeling the potatoes. Nick moved quickly to take out a gigantic stew pot, and placed all of the potatoes in there to boil.

Around 6am, Christen stumbled out of her room. She quickly noticed the chaos and looked at us. "Oh...not again, Nick!" She said, before running towards the kitchen.

"Yes, again!" He said, smiling, and admiring his handiwork.

"For fuck's sake. Where are the plates?" She asked.

"Garage," Nick responded. Christen went out to the garage and came back with an entire bag full of paper plates. Her other hand had several rolls of plastic wrap. She quickly began placing sets of cookies on the plates, around 20 each, as Nick and I prepared to mash the potatoes. Nick took out an entire container of butter, and various seasonings, dumping them into the potatoes. By 7am, we had a stew pot of potatoes, the four pies were completed, and the turkeys were almost done.

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