8. Moment

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The doors suddenly burst open. In came running my mate who searched my room up and down as if expecting an enemy.

"What happened?!" He panicked.

"Sp-sp, spider!!!!!!!!" I yelled.

His frantic look was replaced with an eye roll and a sigh of relief.

"Oh, seriously Scar? I thought you were under attack of something. For god's sake, you scared me half to death..."

"Dude this is serious! I am terrified of spiders! Can you just kill that damn thing already?!"

He groaned as he went to the side of the bed to take a look. That was my cue to leave that room. I heard some curses coming from the room as well as a loud ass "PIAK" sound following after. I peeked inside and saw Jax carrying that tiny devil out of the window and throwing it away. For what seemed like hours since I breathed, I finally heaved a sigh of relief. And within minutes, I was engulfed in a tight hug. I gasped at the sudden movement but soon relaxed as I breathed in his scent. 

"Please just...don't ever shout like that. I thought you were in danger." He whispered.

"It's not my fault spiders are one of my biggest fears." I protested. 

"You have more?"

"Hmmm, do I? I'm not sure." I hummed. 

"And who will be the one who protects you from them?"


Without a warning, his lips found mine and I was caught in between a sweet, yet rough kiss. I found myself melting in his arms within a matter of seconds as I wrapped my arms around him tighter, as if not wanting him to escape from my grasp.

The kiss lasted for a minute or so before he pulled away and looked deep into my eyes. 

"Me." He said proudly.

"Confident here are we?" I teased as I playfully hit his chest. 

"Mine." He mumbled as he wrapped his arms around me once more and rested his chin on my head.

God, I could just stay like this forever.



That night, I decided to sleep with Jax. I mean...if I was gonna forgive him, I have to try to show right? And no I know whatcha gonna think, no. We're not having sex. We merely cuddled under the covers with our legs intertwined with each other. 

I had never experienced this sort of "intimate" touch before and even if it was one of my first, it felt so...right. He had his strong muscular arms wrapping around my body like I was just a tiny soft toy to hug. 

I rested my head on his chest as we switched sleeping positions and I swear I could hear his heartbeat. Now that's the best way to fall asleep.



The next morning,

By the time I woke up, I did;t feel the warmth I had felt when I got onto this bed. Basically, it was a sign he wasn't there anymore. My heart sunk for a second before I pulled myself together and decided to take a morning shower. 

Today I was back in training with the pack. However, when I got there, everyone bowed to me. "Luna." They said in unison.

I felt my cheeks burn up in embarrassment. I was stunned for a moment actually. Literally, a few months ago they didn't acknowledge my existence and now, not only do they bow to me, but they call me their luna??

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