Chapter 28 Sacrifice

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This wasn't happening...

This wasn't.

Before me stood a lifeless Jax lying on the ground and a shocked Rick shaking his bloody hand in fear and shock.

"JAX!!!!!!!!!!!" I yelled.

I fell to the floor and tried shaking him awake.

He wasn't responding.

I looked own and felt all emotions rising up.

Anger and rage was the most.

My golden eyes shone brightly as I lifted up to look at Rick.

I used my super speed to stop him from escaping.

I came in front of him and punched his stomach.

He clutched his stomach and fell back.

He came charging at me with the knife.

I hit his lower wrist and twisted his wrist.

He dropped the knife and looked at me with fear.

I showed no emotion as I kneed him and hit his balls.

He clutched on.

I took my time to reach for the silver knife.

Rock looked at my every move.

I twirled the knife and walked closer to Rick.

He kept moving backwards till he hit the wall.

"No no. Please don't. I-i still have a pack, a-and a daughter. Please d-don't kill m-me. " He pleaded.

"Why should I show you mercy. Seconds ago, you were aiming the the exact same knife on my heart."

He kept shaking his head as I stepped

1 step

2 steps

3 steps

closer to him.

I did a smooth slice through his chest.

His shirt tore and his chest had a deep gash.

"You will pay for hurting my mate."

I went over and cut through his chest.

I watched as he took his last breath.

I threw him to the other side and looked at Jax.

Then, mixed emotions came flooding in.

And my tears flew.

The door burst open and I turned my head to see my pack and Liam's looking at me with shock.

All started coming closer.

"Take another step and your life is gone." I threatened.

My pack bowed down while Liam's pack backed down.

I reached down and lifted his head.

My love... Elize, isn't there any cure...


There is! Tell me!

Our blood.

Our blood?

Our golden eyes has healing power as well. Remeber when we can heal much faster when our golden eyes are shining?

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