11. Anger

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As I slowly opened my eyes the light beaming into my face forced me to shut them back. That probably triggered some movements considering someone started to speak.

"Well well well, look who's awake." that voice snickered.

That voice became too oddly familiar and I dared to look at who it was. 


Memories started to flood back in as I remembered being tackled to the floor, blindfolded and a goddamn needle stabbed into my arm. ...oh my god. I was fucking kidnapped!

"Wayne!" I yelled but immediately regretted that as my throat started to burn. 

"Yes beautiful?" He started to walk closer to me. 

"Where am I?!" I lowered my voice. 

"In a room." His eyes wandered away while smiling at me. 

I rolled my eyes in annoyance. 

"Like, where are we." I spat.

"Somewhere outside America."


"Wayne! Why the hell did you kidnap me?!" I snapped.

"Hush beautiful. I can't tell you yet, but you'll know soon enough." He wiped my tears.

I tried getting up but soon realized I was strapped to the bed. With all my might I started to struggle but to no avail. 

"Someone will bring you food later." He hummed as he started to get up and walk away. 

Before he opened the door to leave, he suddenly stopped in his tracks and turned back to look at me with a devilish smile. 

"Oh, and don't bother trying to mind link anybody. I've put a spell on you so you're technically human."

Oh Lord Jesus Christ.

"Fuck you," I mumbled.

"What was that love?" He said.

"T-thank you!" I smiled.

"For what?"

"For giving me a chance to fall in love with you," I said as my mind started cringing so bad. 

"Anything for you love." He blew a kiss at me before leaving. 

Not a few minutes passed with me lying on the bed and staring into blank space did I start to feel nauseous on my stomach.

But being strapped to the bed, there was nothing I could do about it. All I do was take deep breaths and pray it'll be gone soon since there was no way in hell I was about to call that jerk over. 

Ugh, a stomach ache at this timing?




Jax's POV

I kept pacing back and forth in my office, panicked like hell. 

Where the fuck is she? She's been gone the whole night! Shouldn't she be back by now or something? Does shopping take this long? 

Amelia and Isla, come to my office.

They both acknowledged and came in shortly after. 

"Yes, Jax?" Amelia asked as Isla closed the door behind her. 

"Have you two seen Scarlett?"

They shook their heads, causing me to start feeling worried as ever. 

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