10. Failure

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Life went on as it seems.

Only one thing changed- 


He has been in my dreams ever since after the Luna ceremony and I haven't really gotten a lot of sleep because of it. I don't know how to explain, but it seems he just wanted to seriously provoke the hell out of me. 

Jax has repeatedly asked me if I was okay. Not wanting him to worry about me, I just said I was fine. Plus, I never thought about how to tell him. 

Even Amelia, Isla, and Jones(Beta) have noticed my panda eyes and asked me what was wrong. All I said was "I'm fine. Don't worry." because really, even they wouldn't be able to do a thing about it. 

And the even weirder part, 3 nights ago, Wayne proposed a proposition for me.

He said," Come here willingly and your little nephew will be safe."

I've questioned him about that. And he just simply said, He is gonna die. Come here and he'll be safe.

At that moment, I so wanted to strangle that fucking brain of his but then I'll never know what he meant. And, how can I kill a dude in my dreams? Ever since that night, I've been calculating in my head what the hell was going on.

Elizabeth hasn't been much of a help either, she simply said," This is your choice."



*Knock knock*

"Yeah. Come in." I called out.

I checked to see who it was and to my surprise, it was Isla. 

"Hey, gurl. Alpha said I could come in." She said as she closed the door behind her. 

I sighed in defeat and washed away all the thoughts that were lingering in my head. Isla is here, so no way I'm about to daze off and suddenly spill some shit about that jackass to her and cause a whole headache of "I can't believe you didn't tell me!" and "Do you not trust me?!" stuff coming from my mate and Amelia. 

"Go ahead."I gave her an honest smile.

"Soooooooo, wassup?" She dragged.

"Not much."

She knew nothing she was going to say would convince me to "spill the beans." So not even a minute into our conversation, she gave up and said it straight to my face. 

"Okay, I know your my Luna and all, but now, I'm gonna talk to you like a friend."


"What the hell is wrong with you?!  Don't you know how much stress you're putting in Alpha?! He's been so moody since 2 weeks ago! You just keep on blabbering that you're fine but everybody knows you're not! So can you get your ass into Alpha's office and be the Luna you're supposed to be?!" She yelled.

"I'm fine. He's fine. We're all fine."I shrugged. 

She slapped her hand on her forehead.

"You know what, fine. There's no point talking to you. If you wanna put your mate up, go ahead. But just know, the people around you are suffering more than you know because of you. I'll take my leave, Luna."

And she slammed the door in my face. Basically to just express her anger on me. 

I simply sighed in my seat. I thought by not telling, it wouldn't worry them. I mean, I myself don't even know how to handle this, so why would I put my family into this stress too? I thought they would be better off not knowing. But I guess that's not the case.

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