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I tripped. I muttered and turned to face the decepticons. Why'd it always come to this? I blame Cliff for this, he would always drag me into these situations, but now that he was gone, well, I drag myself into them, so I guess I can't really blame Cliff... nah, I still can, and I most certainly do.

I raised my right hand to point at them, the cons watched me.

"Get going!" I snapped. They didn't move. Scrap... I thought to myself. Stupid cons! I groaned and slammed my arm backwards and a thin blue shield appeared just as the cons started firing.

I got to my feet and bolted. Running had never felt so difficult. The cons were still shooting at me. I stopped short when I saw him. He was white with orange and green, he smirked as he pulled his swords from his back and began fighting the cons.

I yanked up my sleeve and started messing with the metal arm, my blaster was too heavily modified to fix at the moment, luckily, the rest of my arm was untouched, mostly, I'd have to fix my symbol, yet again. I covered my arm with my sleeve again, so only my fingertips showed, luckily they hadn't been affected yet.

I looked at the battle, the autobot needed the upper hand before he could use the grenade he carried.

"Hey!" I shouted at him, extending my shield to cover him. "You should get some air!"

"Easier said than done!" he answered, I rolled my eyes.

"Autobots," I muttered, "step on me!" I compressed the shield to surround me and I crouched down, ready to spring up.

"I'm not stepping on the human I'm trying to help!"

I rolled my eyes again. "Honestly I could care less if I get smashed, and you need to get some air unless you want to be killed by these dumb cons. SO STEP ON ME ALREADY!"

He groaned and did as instructed. With one foot one my shield I grinned, I sprang up and the shield launched him into the air. He used it to his advantage and killed several of the cons. I grinned and made a throwing motion with my are and threw down a monster truck.

I got inside and the engine revved. I enjoyed the sound before flooring it and smashing a good ten or so cons. The bot killed the last one as the monster truck incinerated.

"Thanks bot!" I said before I started running. He grabbed me before I could get enough distance. I groaned and tried to free myself but I couldn't. "Let me go!"

"Not until you tell me who you are," he said.

"Not saying," I crossed my arms.

He frowned at her.

"Until I know who I'm talkin' to, Wrecker."

He looked shocked. I smirked and shot my string at a tree and it retracted back into my arm, taking me out of his hand, I landed evenly and ran.

"Thanks! See ya around Wrecker!" I shouted before I threw a jet and sped off. "Better be gone soon..."

Now I'm guessing you want to know why I was running from cons? Why I even know what a con is? Why I know he was a wrecker? Well, the answer is a story, and it's a long one. So... you want to know who I am? Buckle up, it's a long, bumpy, at times terrifying ride... But let me tell you one thing, my life was ruined by Megatron. First I wanted freedom, now I want revenge... FOR EVERYTHING.

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