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My tattoo was a book with an owl on the spine that had a picture of the Athena Parthenon on the front. I didn't think I would ever have a smart girl as my soulmate, but okay. Let's see how this plays out.

I didn't even know who my soulmate is, but I am confused to this day. My tattoo was a couple of waves and a blue cookie. Honestly, who even makes blue cookies? And how am I supposed to figure out who it is?

I already know I'm going to love my soulmate. My tattoo is a white feather with small diamonds and a pink background on it. She's going to be wild and feminine, I already know it. Although, part of me wants it to be my small crush, Piper McClean.

My soulmate is going to be awesome! I mean, my tattoo is pretty dope. It's a basketball encircled in clouds, cool right? I am not usually a girly-girl, but when it comes down to soulmates, I'm what my friends would say a "helpless romantic".

My soulmate seems kind and strong. My tattoo is an eagle soaring through the sky, and a red bow in its mouth. The bow was weird at first, but I think it's kind of cute now. I hope I can meet him soon...

I like my tattoo. It is a big purple gem with smaller gold ones all around it. I don't know
who it could be, but she seems sweet, yet tough. I can't wait to meet her.

Confession time: I don't really care that much about the whole 'soulmate' thing. I have one, and the tattoo is a couple of flowers and leaves with a silhouette of a dancing woman. She seems nice, but I have my tool belt, I don't really need a soulmate.

I have hopes for finding my soulmate. I will admit that I have had a couple of crushes, but they weren't anything serious. And the sooner I find him, the better.

Soulmates! A Heroes of Olympus AUOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora